# # Apaxy by @adamwhitcroft # # For a full breakdown of the mod_autoindex module: # http://apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_autoindex.html # # ENABLE INDEXING Options +Indexes # INDEX OPTIONS IndexOptions +Charset=UTF-8 +FancyIndexing +IgnoreCase +FoldersFirst +XHTML +HTMLTable +SuppressRules +SuppressDescription +NameWidth=* +IconsAreLinks # META VIEWPORT IndexHeadInsert "" # HIDE /theme DIRECTORY IndexIgnore .htaccess /theme # # GENERAL ICONS (BLANK, DIRECTORY, PARENT DIRECTORY) # # # Replace test with your directory URL eg: # If your directory is http://mywebsite.com/share/ # you would change to: # # AddIcon /share/theme/icons/blank.png ^^BLANKICON^^ # AddIcon /test/theme/icons/blank.png ^^BLANKICON^^ AddIcon /test/theme/icons/folder.png ^^DIRECTORY^^ AddIcon /test/theme/icons/folder-home.png .. AddIconByType (TXT,/test/theme/icons/text.png) text/* AddIconByType (IMG,/test/theme/icons/image.png) image/* AddIconByType (SND,/test/theme/icons/audio.png) audio/* AddIconByType (VID,/test/theme/icons/video.png) video/* # # EXTENSION SPECIFIC ICONS # AddIcon /test/theme/icons/archive.png .7z .bz2 .cab .gz .tar AddIcon /test/theme/icons/audio.png .aac .aif .aifc .aiff .ape .au .flac .iff .m4a .mid .mp3 .mpa .ra .wav .wma .f4a .f4b .oga .ogg .xm .it .s3m .mod AddIcon /test/theme/icons/bin.png .bin .hex AddIcon /test/theme/icons/bmp.png .bmp AddIcon /test/theme/icons/c.png .c AddIcon /test/theme/icons/calc.png .xlsx .xlsm .xltx .xltm .xlam .xlr .xls .csv AddIcon /test/theme/icons/cd.png .iso AddIcon /test/theme/icons/cpp.png .cpp AddIcon /test/theme/icons/css.png .css .sass .scss AddIcon /test/theme/icons/deb.png .deb AddIcon /test/theme/icons/doc.png .doc .docx .docm .dot .dotx .dotm .log .msg .odt .pages .rtf .tex .wpd .wps AddIcon /test/theme/icons/draw.png .svg .svgz AddIcon /test/theme/icons/eps.png .ai .eps AddIcon /test/theme/icons/exe.png .exe AddIcon /test/theme/icons/gif.png .gif AddIcon /test/theme/icons/h.png .h AddIcon /test/theme/icons/html.png .html .xhtml .shtml .htm .URL .url AddIcon /test/theme/icons/ico.png .ico AddIcon /test/theme/icons/java.png .jar AddIcon /test/theme/icons/jpg.png .jpg .jpeg .jpe AddIcon /test/theme/icons/js.png .js .json AddIcon /test/theme/icons/markdown.png .md AddIcon /test/theme/icons/package.png .pkg .dmg AddIcon /test/theme/icons/pdf.png .pdf AddIcon /test/theme/icons/php.png .php .phtml AddIcon /test/theme/icons/playlist.png .m3u .m3u8 .pls .pls8 AddIcon /test/theme/icons/png.png .png AddIcon /test/theme/icons/ps.png .ps AddIcon /test/theme/icons/psd.png .psd AddIcon /test/theme/icons/py.png .py AddIcon /test/theme/icons/rar.png .rar AddIcon /test/theme/icons/rb.png .rb AddIcon /test/theme/icons/rpm.png .rpm AddIcon /test/theme/icons/rss.png .rss AddIcon /test/theme/icons/script.png .bat .cmd .sh AddIcon /test/theme/icons/sql.png .sql AddIcon /test/theme/icons/tiff.png .tiff .tif AddIcon /test/theme/icons/text.png .txt .nfo .epub .mobi .azw AddIcon /test/theme/icons/video.png .asf .asx .avi .flv .mkv .mov .mp4 .mpg .rm .srt .swf .vob .wmv .m4v .f4v .f4p .ogv AddIcon /test/theme/icons/xml.png .xml AddIcon /test/theme/icons/zip.png .zip DefaultIcon /test/theme/icons/default.png # # THEME FILES # HeaderName /test/theme/header.html ReadmeName /test/theme/footer.html IndexStyleSheet "/test/theme/style.css" # # ERROR PAGES # ErrorDocument 400 /test/theme/400.html ErrorDocument 403 /test/theme/403.html ErrorDocument 404 /test/theme/404.html ErrorDocument 408 /test/theme/408.html ErrorDocument 500 /test/theme/500.html ErrorDocument 502 /test/theme/502.html ErrorDocument 401 "/errors/401.html" ErrorDocument 403 "/errors/403.html" ErrorDocument 404 "/errors/404.html"