VERSION = 3.81 all: help install: init defaults remark init: has_init @cp -v init.d/infinoted /etc/init.d/ default: @cp -v default/infinoted /etc/default/ has_init: @pidof init 2>&1 >/dev/null remark: @echo "You might want to add the script to runlevels after testing. LSB compliant header existing." uninstall: @rm -v /etc/init.d/infinoted /etc/default/infinoted .PHONY: help help: @echo @echo "Syntax : MAKE [target]" @echo @echo "Targets : help\t\t- Displays this help." @echo " install\t- Installs script and compressed manpage." @echo " init\t\t- Installs only the SysVinit script." @echo " default\t- Only installs the file containing the application defaults." @echo " uninstall\t- Deletes all files from your system." @echo @echo "Make sure you have all necessary privileges before doing something :)" @echo "As there's nothing to compile here, a \"make\" or \"make all\" will just fire up this help." @echo