# mp3dirlist This is a tool to create an HTML file containing all music in the current directory. This is done by reading all id3 tags recursively and then assembling the rest. **This isn't even alpha, it's experimental**. It's quick and dirty still and needs some polishing :) Requirements ------------ The core: * [ExifTool](http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/) -- most likely available for your system as **Image::ExifTool**, provided via something like *libimage-exiftool-perl* The auxiliaries: * [Bash](http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/) (Bourne Again Shell) * [GNU coreutils](http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/), [sed](http://www.gnu.org/software/sed/) and [(g)awk](http://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/) -- most likely already installed on your system