package HP::Proliant::Component::FanSubsystem::SNMP; our @ISA = qw(HP::Proliant::Component::FanSubsystem HP::Proliant::Component::SNMP); use strict; use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; sub new { my $class = shift; my %params = @_; my $self = { runtime => $params{runtime}, rawdata => $params{rawdata}, fans => [], he_fans => [], th_fans => [], blacklisted => 0, info => undef, extendedinfo => undef, }; bless $self, $class; $self->overall_init(%params); $self->he_init(%params); $self->te_init(%params); $self->unite(); return $self; } sub overall_init { my $self = shift; my %params = @_; my $snmpwalk = $params{rawdata}; # overall my $cpqHeThermalSystemFanStatus = ''; my $cpqHeThermalSystemFanStatusValue = { 1 => 'other', 2 => 'ok', 3 => 'degraded', 4 => 'failed', }; my $cpqHeThermalCpuFanStatus = ''; my $cpqHeThermalCpuFanStatusValue = { 1 => 'other', 2 => 'ok', 4 => 'failed', # shutdown }; $self->{sysstatus} = SNMP::Utils::get_object_value( $snmpwalk, $cpqHeThermalSystemFanStatus, $cpqHeThermalSystemFanStatusValue); $self->{cpustatus} = SNMP::Utils::get_object_value( $snmpwalk, $cpqHeThermalCpuFanStatus, $cpqHeThermalCpuFanStatusValue); $self->{sysstatus} |= lc $self->{sysstatus}; $self->{cpustatus} |= lc $self->{cpustatus}; } sub te_init { my $self = shift; my %params = @_; my $snmpwalk = $params{rawdata}; my $ignore_redundancy = $params{ignore_redundancy}; # cpqHeThermalFanTable my $oids = { cpqHeThermalFanEntry => '', cpqHeThermalFanIndex => '', cpqHeThermalFanRequired => '', cpqHeThermalFanPresent => '', cpqHeThermalFanCpuFan => '', cpqHeThermalFanStatus => '', cpqHeThermalFanHwLocation => '', cpqHeThermalFanRequiredValue => { 1 => 'other', 2 => 'nonRequired', 3 => 'required', }, cpqHeThermalFanPresentValue => { 1 => 'other', 2 => 'absent', 3 => 'present', }, cpqHeThermalFanCpuFanValue => { 1 => 'other', 2 => 'systemFan', 3 => 'cpuFan', }, cpqHeThermalFanStatusValue => { 1 => 'other', 2 => 'ok', 4 => 'failed', }, }; # INDEX { cpqHeThermalFanIndex } foreach ($self->get_entries($oids, 'cpqHeThermalFanEntry')) { next if ! $_->{cpqHeThermalFanPresent}; push(@{$self->{th_fans}}, HP::Proliant::Component::FanSubsystem::Fan->new(%{$_})); } } sub he_init { my $self = shift; my %params = @_; my $snmpwalk = $params{rawdata}; my $ignore_redundancy = $params{ignore_redundancy}; # cpqHeFltTolFanTable my $oids = { cpqHeFltTolFanEntry => '', cpqHeFltTolFanChassis => '', cpqHeFltTolFanIndex => '', cpqHeFltTolFanLocale => '', cpqHeFltTolFanPresent => '', cpqHeFltTolFanType => '', cpqHeFltTolFanSpeed => '', cpqHeFltTolFanRedundant => '', cpqHeFltTolFanRedundantPartner => '', cpqHeFltTolFanCondition => '', cpqHeFltTolFanHotPlug => '', cpqHeFltTolFanHwLocation => '', cpqHeFltTolFanCurrentSpeed => '', cpqHeFltTolFanLocaleValue => { 1 => "other", 2 => "unknown", 3 => "system", 4 => "systemBoard", 5 => "ioBoard", 6 => "cpu", 7 => "memory", 8 => "storage", 9 => "removableMedia", 10 => "powerSupply", 11 => "ambient", 12 => "chassis", 13 => "bridgeCard", }, cpqHeFltTolFanPresentValue => { 1 => "other", 2 => "absent", 3 => "present", }, cpqHeFltTolFanSpeedValue => { 1 => "other", 2 => "normal", 3 => "high", }, cpqHeFltTolFanRedundantValue => { 1 => "other", 2 => "notRedundant", 3 => "redundant", }, cpqHeFltTolFanTypeValue => { 1 => "other", 2 => "tachInput", 3 => "spinDetect", }, cpqHeFltTolFanConditionValue => { 1 => "other", 2 => "ok", 3 => "degraded", 4 => "failed", }, cpqHeFltTolFanHotPlugValue => { 1 => "other", 2 => "nonHotPluggable", 3 => "hotPluggable", }, }; # INDEX { cpqHeFltTolFanChassis, cpqHeFltTolFanIndex } foreach ($self->get_entries($oids, 'cpqHeFltTolFanEntry')) { next if ! defined $_->{cpqHeFltTolFanIndex}; # z.b. USM65201WS hat nur solche fragmente. die werden erst gar nicht # als fans akzeptiert. dafuer gibts dann die overall condition # SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. = INTEGER: 0 # SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. = INTEGER: 0 $_->{cpqHeFltTolFanPctMax} = ($_->{cpqHeFltTolFanPresent} eq 'present') ? 50 : 0; push(@{$self->{he_fans}}, HP::Proliant::Component::FanSubsystem::Fan->new(%{$_})); } } sub unite { my $self = shift; my $tmpfans = {}; foreach (@{$self->{he_fans}}) { $tmpfans->{$_->{cpqHeFltTolFanIndex}} = $_; } foreach (@{$self->{he_fans}}) { if (exists $tmpfans->{$_->{cpqHeFltTolFanRedundantPartner}}) { $_->{partner} = $tmpfans->{$_->{cpqHeFltTolFanRedundantPartner}}; } else { $_->{partner} = undef; } } @{$self->{fans}} = @{$self->{he_fans}}; } sub overall_check { my $self = shift; my $result = 0; $self->blacklist('ofs', ''); if ($self->{sysstatus} && $self->{cpustatus}) { if ($self->{sysstatus} eq 'degraded') { $result = 1; $self->add_message(WARNING, sprintf 'system fan overall status is %s', $self->{sysstatus}); } elsif ($self->{sysstatus} eq 'failed') { $result = 2; $self->add_message(CRITICAL, sprintf 'system fan overall status is %s', $self->{sysstatus}); } if ($self->{cpustatus} eq 'degraded') { $result = 1; $self->add_message(WARNING, sprintf 'cpu fan overall status is %s', $self->{cpustatus}); } elsif ($self->{cpustatus} eq 'failed') { $result = 2; $self->add_message(CRITICAL, sprintf 'cpu fan overall status is %s', $self->{cpustatus}); } $self->add_info(sprintf 'overall fan status: system=%s, cpu=%s', $self->{sysstatus}, $self->{cpustatus}); } else { $result = 0; $self->add_info('this system seems to be water-cooled. no fans found'); } return $result; } 1;