package HP::Proliant::Component::MemorySubsystem::SNMP; our @ISA = qw(HP::Proliant::Component::MemorySubsystem HP::Proliant::Component::SNMP); use strict; sub new { my $class = shift; my %params = @_; my $self = { runtime => $params{runtime}, rawdata => $params{rawdata}, dimms => [], si_dimms => [], he_dimms => [], h2_dimms => [], he_cartridges => [], h2_cartridges => [], si_overall_condition => undef, he_overall_condition => undef, h2_overall_condition => undef, blacklisted => 0, info => undef, extendedinfo => undef, }; bless $self, $class; $self->si_init(); $self->he_init(); $self->he_cartridge_init(); $self->h2_init(); #$self->h2_cartridge_init(); $self->condense(); return $self; } sub si_init { my $self = shift; my $snmpwalk = $self->{rawdata}; my $oids = { cpqSiMemModuleEntry => '', cpqSiMemBoardIndex => '', cpqSiMemModuleIndex => '', cpqSiMemModuleSize => '', cpqSiMemModuleType => '', cpqSiMemECCStatus => '', cpqSiMemModuleHwLocation => '', cpqSiMemModuleTypeValue => { 1 => 'other', 2 => 'board', 3 => 'cpqSingleWidthModule', 4 => 'cpqDoubleWidthModule', 5 => 'simm', 6 => 'pcmcia', 7 => 'compaq-specific', 8 => 'dimm', 9 => 'smallOutlineDimm', 10 => 'rimm', 11 => 'srimm', }, cpqSiMemECCStatusValue => { 0 => "n/a", 1 => "other", 2 => "ok", 3 => "degraded", 4 => "degradedModuleIndexUnknown", 34 => 'n/a', # es ist zum kotzen... 104 => 'n/a', }, }; # INDEX { cpqSiMemBoardIndex, cpqSiMemModuleIndex } foreach ($self->get_entries($oids, 'cpqSiMemModuleEntry')) { $_->{cartridge} = $_->{cpqSiMemBoardIndex}; $_->{module} = $_->{cpqSiMemModuleIndex}; next if (! defined $_->{cartridge} || ! defined $_->{module}); $_->{size} = $_->{cpqSiMemModuleSize}; $_->{type} = $_->{cpqSiMemModuleType}; $_->{condition} = $_->{cpqSiMemECCStatus}; $_->{status} = ($_->{cpqSiMemModuleSize} > 0) ? 'present' : 'notPresent'; push(@{$self->{si_dimms}}, HP::Proliant::Component::MemorySubsystem::Dimm->new(%{$_}) ); } my $cpqSiMemECCCondition = ''; my $cpqSiMemECCConditionValue = { 1 => 'other', 2 => 'ok', 3 => 'degraded', }; $self->{si_overall_condition} = SNMP::Utils::get_object_value( $self->{rawdata}, $cpqSiMemECCCondition, $cpqSiMemECCConditionValue); $self->trace(2, sprintf 'overall si condition is %s', $self->{si_overall_condition} || 'undefined'); } sub he_init { my $self = shift; my $snmpwalk = $self->{rawdata}; my $oids = { cpqHeResMemModuleEntry => '', cpqHeResMemBoardIndex => '', cpqHeResMemModuleIndex => '', cpqHeResMemModuleStatus => '', cpqHeResMemModuleCondition => '', cpqHeResMemModuleStatusValue => { 1 => "other", # unknown or could not be determined 2 => "notPresent", # not present or un-initialized 3 => "present", # present but not in use 4 => "good", # present and in use. ecc threshold not exceeded 5 => "add", # added but not yet in use 6 => "upgrade", # upgraded but not yet in use 7 => "missing", # expected but missing 8 => "doesNotMatch", # does not match the other modules in the bank 9 => "notSupported", # module not supported 10 => "badConfig", # violates add/upgrade configuration 11 => "degraded", # ecc exceeds threshold }, # condition = status of the correctable memory errors cpqHeResMemModuleConditionValue => { 0 => "n/a", # this appears only with buggy firmwares. # (only 1 module shows up) 1 => "other", 2 => "ok", 3 => "degraded", }, }; my $tablesize = SNMP::Utils::get_size($snmpwalk, $oids->{cpqHeResMemModuleEntry}); # INDEX { cpqHeResMemBoardIndex, cpqHeResMemModuleIndex } foreach ($self->get_entries($oids, 'cpqHeResMemModuleEntry')) { $_->{cartridge} = $_->{cpqHeResMemBoardIndex}; $_->{module} = $_->{cpqHeResMemModuleIndex}; $_->{present} = $_->{cpqHeResMemModuleStatus}; $_->{status} = $_->{cpqHeResMemModuleStatus}; $_->{condition} = $_->{cpqHeResMemModuleCondition}; if ((! defined $_->{module}) && ($_->{cartridge} == 0)) { $_->{module} = $_->{index2}; # auf dem systemboard verbaut } push(@{$self->{he_dimms}}, HP::Proliant::Component::MemorySubsystem::Dimm->new(%{$_}) ) unless (! defined $_->{cartridge} || ! defined $_->{module} || $tablesize == 1); } my $cpqHeResilientMemCondition = ''; my $cpqHeResilientMemConditionValue = { 1 => 'other', 2 => 'ok', 3 => 'degraded', }; $self->{he_overall_condition} = SNMP::Utils::get_object_value( $self->{rawdata}, $cpqHeResilientMemCondition, $cpqHeResilientMemConditionValue); $self->trace(2, sprintf 'overall he condition is %s', $self->{hei_overall_condition} || 'undefined'); } sub he_cartridge_init { my $self = shift; my $snmpwalk = $self->{rawdata}; my $oids = { cpqHeResMemBoardEntry => '', cpqHeResMemBoardSlotIndex => '', cpqHeResMemBoardOnlineStatus => '', cpqHeResMemBoardErrorStatus => '', cpqHeResMemBoardNumSockets => '', cpqHeResMemBoardOsMemSize => '', cpqHeResMemBoardTotalMemSize => '', cpqHeResMemBoardCondition => '', # onlinestatus cpqHeResMemBoardOnlineStatusValue => { 0 => "n/a", # this appears only with buggy firmwares. # (only 1 module shows up) 1 => "other", 2 => "present", 3 => "absent", }, cpqHeResMemBoardErrorStatusValue => { 1 => "other", # 2 => "noError", # 3 => "dimmEccError", # 4 => "unlockError", # 5 => "configError", # 6 => "busError", # 7 => "powerError", # }, # condition = status of the correctable memory errors cpqHeResMemBoardConditionValue => { 0 => "n/a", # this appears only with buggy firmwares. # (only 1 module shows up) 1 => "other", 2 => "ok", 3 => "degraded", }, }; my $tablesize = SNMP::Utils::get_size($snmpwalk, $oids->{cpqHeResMemBoardEntry}); # INDEX { cpqHeResMemBoardIndex, cpqHeResMemBoardIndex } foreach ($self->get_entries($oids, 'cpqHeResMemBoardEntry')) { push(@{$self->{he_cartridges}}, HP::Proliant::Component::MemorySubsystem::Cartridge->new(%{$_}) ) unless (! defined $_->{cpqHeResMemBoardSlotIndex} || $tablesize == 1); } } sub h2_init { my $self = shift; my $snmpwalk = $self->{rawdata}; my $oids = { cpqHeResMem2ModuleEntry => '', cpqHeResMem2BoardNum => '', cpqHeResMem2ModuleNum => '', cpqHeResMem2ModuleStatus => '', cpqHeResMem2ModuleCondition => '', cpqHeResMem2ModuleSize => '', cpqHeResMem2ModuleStatusValue => { 1 => "other", # unknown or could not be determined 2 => "notPresent", # not present or un-initialized 3 => "present", # present but not in use 4 => "good", # present and in use. ecc threshold not exceeded 5 => "add", # added but not yet in use 6 => "upgrade", # upgraded but not yet in use 7 => "missing", # expected but missing 8 => "doesNotMatch", # does not match the other modules in the bank 9 => "notSupported", # module not supported 10 => "badConfig", # violates add/upgrade configuration 11 => "degraded", # ecc exceeds threshold }, # condition = status of the correctable memory errors cpqHeResMem2ModuleConditionValue => { 0 => "n/a", # this appears only with buggy firmwares. # (only 1 module shows up) 1 => "other", 2 => "ok", 3 => "degraded", }, }; # INDEX { cpqHeResMem2ModuleNum } my $lastboard = 0; my $lastmodule = 0; my $myboard= 0; my $hpboard = 0; foreach (sort { $a->{index1} <=> $b->{index1} } $self->get_entries($oids, 'cpqHeResMem2ModuleEntry')) { $hpboard = $_->{cpqHeResMem2BoardNum}; # dass hier faelschlicherweise 0 zurueckkommt, wundert mich schon # gar nicht mehr $_->{module} = $_->{cpqHeResMem2ModuleNum}; if ($_->{module} < $lastmodule) { # sieht so aus, als haette man es mit einem neuen board zu tun # da hp zu bloed ist, selber hochzuzaehlen, muss ich das tun $myboard++; } $lastmodule = $_->{cpqHeResMem2ModuleNum}; $_->{cartridge} = ($myboard != $hpboard) ? $myboard : $hpboard; $_->{present} = $_->{cpqHeResMem2ModuleStatus}; $_->{status} = $_->{cpqHeResMem2ModuleStatus}; $_->{condition} = $_->{cpqHeResMem2ModuleCondition}; $_->{size} = $_->{cpqHeResMem2ModuleSize}; push(@{$self->{h2_dimms}}, HP::Proliant::Component::MemorySubsystem::Dimm->new(%{$_}) ) unless (! defined $_->{cpqHeResMem2BoardNum} || ! defined $_->{cpqHeResMem2ModuleNum}); } } sub h2_cartridge_init { my $self = shift; my $snmpwalk = $self->{rawdata}; my $oids = { cpqHeResMem2BoardEntry => '', cpqHeResMem2BoardIndex => '', cpqHeResMem2BoardOnlineStatus => '', cpqHeResMem2BoardErrorStatus => '', cpqHeResMem2BoardNumSockets => '', cpqHeResMem2BoardOsMemSize => '', cpqHeResMem2BoardTotalMemSize => '', cpqHeResMem2BoardCondition => '', # onlinestatus cpqHeResMem2BoardOnlineStatusValue => { 0 => "n/a", # this appears only with buggy firmwares. # (only 1 module shows up) 1 => "other", 2 => "present", 3 => "absent", }, cpqHeResMem2BoardErrorStatusValue => { 1 => "other", # 2 => "noError", # 3 => "dimmEccError", # 4 => "unlockError", # 5 => "configError", # 6 => "busError", # 7 => "powerError", # }, # condition = status of the correctable memory errors cpqHeResMem2BoardConditionValue => { 0 => "n/a", # this appears only with buggy firmwares. # (only 1 module shows up) 1 => "other", 2 => "ok", 3 => "degraded", }, }; my $tablesize = SNMP::Utils::get_size($snmpwalk, $oids->{cpqHeResMemBoardEntry}); # INDEX { cpqHeResMem2BoardIndex, cpqHeResMem2BoardIndex } foreach ($self->get_entries($oids, 'cpqHeResMem2BoardEntry')) { push(@{$self->{h2_cartridges}}, HP::Proliant::Component::MemorySubsystem::Cartridge->new(%{$_}) ) unless (! defined $_->{cpqHeRes2MemBoardIndex} || $tablesize == 1); } } sub condense { my $self = shift; my $snmpwalk = $self->{rawdata}; # wenn saemtliche dimms n/a sind # wenn ignore dimms: ignoring %d dimms with status 'n/a' # wenn buggyfirmware: ignoring %d dimms with status 'n/a' because of buggy firmware # if buggy firmware : condition n/a ist normal # ignore-dimms : # es gibt si_dimms und he_dimms my $si_dimms = scalar(@{$self->{si_dimms}}); my $he_dimms = scalar(@{$self->{he_dimms}}); my $h2_dimms = scalar(@{$self->{h2_dimms}}); $self->trace(2, sprintf "SI: %02d HE: %02d H2: %02d", $si_dimms, $he_dimms, $h2_dimms) if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2); foreach ($self->get_si_boards()) { printf "SI%02d-> ", $_ if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2); foreach ($self->get_si_modules($_)) { printf "%02d ", $_ if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2); } printf "\n" if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2); } foreach ($self->get_he_boards()) { printf "HE%02d-> ", $_ if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2); foreach ($self->get_he_modules($_)) { printf "%02d ", $_ if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2); } printf "\n" if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2); } foreach ($self->get_h2_boards()) { printf "H2%02d-> ", $_ if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2); foreach ($self->get_h2_modules($_)) { printf "%02d ", $_ if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2); } printf "\n" if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2); } if (($h2_dimms == 0) && ($he_dimms == 0) && ($si_dimms > 0)) { printf "TYP1 %s\n", $self->{runtime}->{product} if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2); @{$self->{dimms}} = $self->update_si_with_si(); } elsif (($h2_dimms == 0) && ($he_dimms > 0) && ($si_dimms > 0)) { printf "TYP2 %s\n", $self->{runtime}->{product} if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2); @{$self->{dimms}} = $self->update_si_with_he(); } elsif (($h2_dimms == 0) && ($he_dimms > 0) && ($si_dimms == 0)) { printf "TYP3 %s\n", $self->{runtime}->{product} if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2); @{$self->{dimms}} = $self->update_he_with_he(); } elsif (($h2_dimms > 0) && ($he_dimms == 0) && ($si_dimms == 0)) { printf "TYP4 %s\n", $self->{runtime}->{product} if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2); @{$self->{dimms}} = $self->update_h2_with_h2(); } elsif (($h2_dimms > 0) && ($he_dimms > 0) && ($si_dimms == 0)) { printf "TYP5 %s\n", $self->{runtime}->{product} if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2); @{$self->{dimms}} = $self->update_he_with_h2(); } elsif (($h2_dimms > 0) && ($he_dimms == 0) && ($si_dimms > 0)) { printf "TYP6 %s\n", $self->{runtime}->{product} if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2); @{$self->{dimms}} = $self->update_si_with_h2(); } elsif (($h2_dimms > 0) && ($he_dimms > 0) && ($si_dimms > 0)) { if ($h2_dimms > $si_dimms) { printf "TYP7 %s\n", $self->{runtime}->{product} if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2); @{$self->{dimms}} = $self->update_he_with_h2(); } else { printf "TYP8 %s\n", $self->{runtime}->{product} if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2); @{$self->{dimms}} = $self->update_si_with_he(); } } else { printf "TYPX %s\n", $self->{runtime}->{product} if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2); } my $all_dimms = scalar(@{$self->{dimms}}); $self->trace(2, sprintf "ALL: %02d", $all_dimms); } sub dump { my $self = shift; if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} > 2) { printf "[SI]\n"; foreach (@{$self->{si_dimms}}) { $_->dump(); } printf "[HE]\n"; foreach (@{$self->{he_dimms}}) { $_->dump(); } printf "[H2]\n"; foreach (@{$self->{h2_dimms}}) { $_->dump(); } } $self->SUPER::dump(); } sub update_si_with_si { my $self = shift; my $snmpwalk = $self->{rawdata}; my @dimms = (); my $repaircondition = undef; # wenn si keine statusinformationen liefert, dann besteht die chance # dass ein undokumentiertes he-fragment vorliegt # my $cpqHeResMemModuleEntry = ""; if (SNMP::Utils::get_size($snmpwalk, $cpqHeResMemModuleEntry) == 1) { $repaircondition = lc SNMP::Utils::get_object( $snmpwalk, $cpqHeResMemModuleEntry.'.1.0.'.scalar(@{$self->{si_dimms}})); # repaircondition 0 (ok) biegt alles wieder gerade } else { # anderer versuch if ($self->{si_overall_condition} && $self->{si_overall_condition} eq 'ok') { $repaircondition = 0; } } foreach my $si_dimm (@{$self->{si_dimms}}) { if (($si_dimm->{condition} eq 'n/a') || ($si_dimm->{condition} eq 'other')) { $si_dimm->{condition} = 'ok' if (defined $repaircondition && $repaircondition == 0); } push(@dimms, HP::Proliant::Component::MemorySubsystem::Dimm->new( runtime => $si_dimm->{runtime}, cartridge => $si_dimm->{cartridge}, module => $si_dimm->{module}, size => $si_dimm->{size}, status => $si_dimm->{status}, condition => $si_dimm->{condition}, )); } return @dimms; } sub update_si_with_he { my $self = shift; my @dimms = (); my $first_si_cartridge = ($self->get_si_boards())[0]; my $first_he_cartridge = ($self->get_he_boards())[0]; my $offset = 0; if (scalar(@{$self->{si_dimms}}) == scalar(@{$self->{he_dimms}})) { # aufpassen! sowas kann vorkommen: si cartridge 0...6, he cartridge 1...7 if ($first_si_cartridge != $first_he_cartridge) { # README case 5 $offset = $first_si_cartridge - $first_he_cartridge; } } elsif ((scalar(@{$self->{si_dimms}}) > 1) && (scalar(@{$self->{he_dimms}}) == 1)) { # siehe update_si_with_si. he-fragment return $self->update_si_with_si(); } else { # z.b. 4 si notpresent, 4 si present, 4 he } foreach my $si_dimm (@{$self->{si_dimms}}) { if (($si_dimm->{condition} eq 'n/a') || ($si_dimm->{condition} eq 'other')) { if (my $he_dimm = $self->get_he_module( $si_dimm->{cartridge} - $offset, $si_dimm->{module})) { # vielleicht hat he mehr ahnung $si_dimm->{condition} = $he_dimm->{condition}; if (($si_dimm->{condition} eq 'n/a') || ($si_dimm->{condition} eq 'other')) { # wenns immer noch kein brauchbares ergebnis gibt.... if ($self->{he_overall_condition} && $self->{he_overall_condition} eq 'ok') { # wird schon stimmen... $si_dimm->{condition} = 'ok'; } else { # ansonsten stellen wir uns dumm $si_dimm->{status} = 'notPresent'; } } } else { # in dem fall zeigt si unbestueckte cartridges an } } push(@dimms, HP::Proliant::Component::MemorySubsystem::Dimm->new( runtime => $si_dimm->{runtime}, cartridge => $si_dimm->{cartridge}, module => $si_dimm->{module}, size => $si_dimm->{size}, status => $si_dimm->{status}, condition => $si_dimm->{condition}, )); } return @dimms; } sub update_he_with_he { my $self = shift; my @dimms = (); foreach my $he_dimm (@{$self->{he_dimms}}) { push(@dimms, HP::Proliant::Component::MemorySubsystem::Dimm->new( runtime => $he_dimm->{runtime}, cartridge => $he_dimm->{cartridge}, module => $he_dimm->{module}, size => $he_dimm->{size}, status => $he_dimm->{status}, condition => $he_dimm->{condition}, )); } return @dimms; } sub update_si_with_h2 { my $self = shift; my @dimms = (); my $first_si_cartridge = ($self->get_si_boards())[0]; my $first_h2_cartridge = ($self->get_h2_boards())[0]; my $offset = 0; if (scalar(@{$self->{si_dimms}}) == scalar(@{$self->{h2_dimms}})) { # aufpassen! sowas kann vorkommen: si cartridge 0...6, he cartridge 1...7 if ($first_si_cartridge != $first_h2_cartridge) { # README case 5 $offset = $first_si_cartridge - $first_h2_cartridge; } } else { # z.b. 4 si notpresent, 4 si present, 4 he } foreach my $si_dimm (@{$self->{si_dimms}}) { if (($si_dimm->{condition} eq 'n/a') || ($si_dimm->{condition} eq 'other')) { if (my $h2_dimm = $self->get_h2_module( $si_dimm->{cartridge} - $offset, $si_dimm->{module})) { # vielleicht hat h2 mehr ahnung $si_dimm->{condition} = $h2_dimm->{condition}; if (1) { # ist zwar da, aber irgendwie auskonfiguriert $si_dimm->{status} = 'notPresent' if $h2_dimm->{status} eq 'other'; } } else { # in dem fall zeigt si unbestueckte cartridges an } } push(@dimms, HP::Proliant::Component::MemorySubsystem::Dimm->new( runtime => $si_dimm->{runtime}, cartridge => $si_dimm->{cartridge}, module => $si_dimm->{module}, size => $si_dimm->{size}, status => $si_dimm->{status}, condition => $si_dimm->{condition}, )); } return @dimms; } sub update_he_with_h2 { my $self = shift; my @dimms = (); my $first_he_cartridge = ($self->get_he_boards())[0]; my $first_h2_cartridge = ($self->get_h2_boards())[0]; my $offset = 0; # auch hier koennte sowas u.u.vorkommen: he cartridge 0..6, h2 cartridge 1..7 # ich habs zwar nie gesehen, aber wer weiss... if ($first_h2_cartridge != $first_he_cartridge) { $offset = $first_h2_cartridge - $first_he_cartridge; } foreach my $he_dimm (@{$self->{he_dimms}}) { if (($he_dimm->{condition} eq 'n/a') || ($he_dimm->{condition} eq 'other')) { if (my $h2_dimm = $self->get_h2_module( $he_dimm->{cartridge} + $offset, $he_dimm->{module})) { # vielleicht hat h2 mehr ahnung $he_dimm->{condition} = $h2_dimm->{condition}; if (1) { # ist zwar da, aber irgendwie auskonfiguriert $he_dimm->{status} = 'notPresent' if $h2_dimm->{status} eq 'other'; } } else { # in dem fall weiss he mehr als h2 } } if ($he_dimm->{size} == 0) { if (my $h2_dimm = $self->get_h2_module( $he_dimm->{cartridge} + $offset, $he_dimm->{module})) { $he_dimm->{size} = $h2_dimm->{size}; # h2 beinhaltet eine size-oid } } push(@dimms, HP::Proliant::Component::MemorySubsystem::Dimm->new( runtime => $he_dimm->{runtime}, cartridge => $he_dimm->{cartridge}, module => $he_dimm->{module}, size => $he_dimm->{size}, status => $he_dimm->{status}, condition => $he_dimm->{condition}, )); } return @dimms; } sub update_h2_with_h2 { my $self = shift; my @dimms = (); foreach my $h2_dimm (@{$self->{h2_dimms}}) { push(@dimms, HP::Proliant::Component::MemorySubsystem::Dimm->new( runtime => $h2_dimm->{runtime}, cartridge => $h2_dimm->{cartridge}, module => $h2_dimm->{module}, size => $h2_dimm->{size}, status => $h2_dimm->{status}, condition => $h2_dimm->{condition}, )); } return @dimms; } sub is_faulty { my $self = shift; if (scalar(@{$self->{si_dimms}}) > 0 && scalar(@{$self->{he_dimms}}) > 0) { return $self->si_is_faulty() || $self->he_is_faulty(); } elsif (scalar(@{$self->{si_dimms}}) > 0 && scalar(@{$self->{he_dimms}}) == 0) { return $self->si_is_faulty(); } elsif (scalar(@{$self->{si_dimms}}) == 0 && scalar(@{$self->{he_dimms}}) > 0) { return $self->he_is_faulty(); } else { return 0; } } sub si_is_faulty { my $self = shift; return ! defined $self->{si_overall_condition} ? 0 : $self->{si_overall_condition} eq 'degraded' ? 1 : 0; } sub si_is_ok { my $self = shift; return ! defined $self->{si_overall_condition} ? 1 : $self->{si_overall_condition} eq 'ok' ? 1 : 0; } sub he_is_faulty { my $self = shift; return ! defined $self->{he_overall_condition} ? 0 : $self->{he_overall_condition} eq 'degraded' ? 1 : 0; } sub he_is_ok { my $self = shift; return ! defined $self->{he_overall_condition} ? 1 : $self->{he_overall_condition} eq 'ok' ? 1 : 0; } sub get_si_boards { my $self = shift; my %found = (); foreach (@{$self->{si_dimms}}) { $found{$_->{cartridge}} = 1; } return sort { $a <=> $b } keys %found; } sub get_si_modules { my $self = shift; my $board = shift; my %found = (); foreach (grep { $_->{cartridge} == $board } @{$self->{si_dimms}}) { $found{$_->{module}} = 1; } return sort { $a <=> $b } keys %found; } sub get_he_boards { my $self = shift; my %found = (); foreach (@{$self->{he_dimms}}) { $found{$_->{cartridge}} = 1; } return sort { $a <=> $b } keys %found; } sub get_he_modules { my $self = shift; my $board = shift; my %found = (); foreach (grep { $_->{cartridge} == $board } @{$self->{he_dimms}}) { $found{$_->{module}} = 1; } return sort { $a <=> $b } keys %found; } sub get_he_module { my $self = shift; my $board = shift; my $module = shift; my $found = (grep { $_->{cartridge} == $board && $_->{module} == $module } @{$self->{he_dimms}})[0]; return $found; } sub get_h2_boards { my $self = shift; my %found = (); # foreach (@{$self->{h2_dimms}}) { $found{$_->{cartridge}} = 1; } return sort { $a <=> $b } keys %found; } sub get_h2_modules { my $self = shift; my $board = shift; my %found = (); foreach (grep { $_->{cartridge} == $board } @{$self->{h2_dimms}}) { $found{$_->{module}} = 1; } return sort { $a <=> $b } keys %found; } sub get_h2_module { my $self = shift; my $board = shift; my $module = shift; my $found = (grep { $_->{cartridge} == $board && $_->{module} == $module } @{$self->{h2_dimms}})[0]; return $found; }