package HP::Proliant::Component::TemperatureSubsystem::SNMP; our @ISA = qw(HP::Proliant::Component::TemperatureSubsystem HP::Proliant::Component::SNMP); use strict; use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; sub new { my $class = shift; my %params = @_; my $self = { runtime => $params{runtime}, rawdata => $params{rawdata}, temperatures => [], blacklisted => 0, info => undef, extendedinfo => undef, }; bless $self, $class; $self->overall_init(%params); $self->init(%params); return $self; } sub overall_init { my $self = shift; my %params = @_; my $snmpwalk = $params{rawdata}; # overall my $cpqHeThermalTempStatus = ''; my $cpqHeThermalTempStatusValue = { 1 => 'other', 2 => 'ok', 3 => 'degraded', 4 => 'failed', }; $self->{tempstatus} = lc SNMP::Utils::get_object_value( $snmpwalk, $cpqHeThermalTempStatus, $cpqHeThermalTempStatusValue); $self->{tempstatus} |= lc $self->{tempstatus}; } sub init { my $self = shift; my %params = @_; my $snmpwalk = $self->{rawdata}; my $oids = { cpqHeTemperatureEntry => "", cpqHeTemperatureChassis => "", cpqHeTemperatureIndex => "", cpqHeTemperatureLocale => "", cpqHeTemperatureCelsius => "", cpqHeTemperatureThresholdCelsius => "", cpqHeTemperatureCondition => "", cpqHeTemperatureThresholdType => "", cpqHeTemperatureLocaleValue => { 1 => "other", 2 => "unknown", 3 => "system", 4 => "systemBoard", 5 => "ioBoard", 6 => "cpu", 7 => "memory", 8 => "storage", 9 => "removableMedia", 10 => "powerSupply", 11 => "ambient", 12 => "chassis", 13 => "bridgeCard", }, cpqHeTemperatureConditionValue => { 1 => 'other', 2 => 'ok', 3 => 'degraded', 4 => 'failed', }, cpqHeTemperatureThresholdTypeValue => { 1 => 'other', 5 => 'blowout', 9 => 'caution', 15 => 'critical', }, }; # INDEX { cpqHeTemperatureChassis, cpqHeTemperatureIndex } foreach ($self->get_entries($oids, 'cpqHeTemperatureEntry')) { # sieht aus, als wurden die gar nicht existieren. # im ilo4 werden sie als n/a angezeigt next if $_->{cpqHeTemperatureThresholdType} eq "caution" && $_->{cpqHeTemperatureThresholdCelsius} == 0; push(@{$self->{temperatures}}, HP::Proliant::Component::TemperatureSubsystem::Temperature->new(%{$_})); } } sub overall_check { my $self = shift; my $result = 0; $self->blacklist('ots', ''); if ($self->{tempstatus}) { if ($self->{tempstatus} eq "ok") { $result = 0; $self->add_info('all temp sensors are within normal operating range'); } elsif ($self->{tempstatus} eq "degraded") { $result = 1; $self->add_info('a temp sensor is outside of normal operating range'); } elsif ($self->{tempstatus} eq "failed") { $result = 2; $self->add_info('a temp sensor detects a condition that could permanently damage the system'); } elsif ($self->{tempstatus} eq "other") { $result = 0; $self->add_info('temp sensing is not supported by this system or driver'); } } else { $result = 0; $self->add_info('no global temp status found'); } } 1;