Matteo Corti Thanks: * Many thanks to Kenny McCormack for his help on on how to implement a timeout * Many thanks to Dan Wallis for several patches and fixes (see the Changelog) * Many thanks to Tuomas Haarala for the -P option patch to check TLS certs using other protocols * Many thanks to Marcus Rejås for the -N and -n patches * Many thanks to Marc Fournier for - the == bashism fix - the mktemp error handling patch * Many thanks to Wolfgang Schricker for - the selfsigned bug report and cleanup fixes - the patch adding the possibility to check local files (-f option) * Many thanks to Yannick Gravel for the patch fixing the plugin output and the fix on the test order * Many thanks to Scott Worthington for the --critical and --warning hints * Many thanks to Lawren Quigley-Jones for - the -A,--noauth patch - the trap fix * Many thanks to Matthias Fuhrmeister for the -servername patch * Many thanks to Raphael Thoma for the patch allowing HTTP to be specified as protocol and the fix on -N with wildcards * Many thanks to Sven Nierlein for the client certificate authentication patch * Many thanks to Rob Yamry for the help in debugging a problem with certain versions of OpenSSL and TLS extensions * Many thanks to Jim Hopp for the "No certificate returned" enhancement patch * Many thanks to Javier Gonel for the TLS servername patch * Many thanks to Christian Ruppert for the XMPP patch * Many thanks to Robin H. Johnson for the 'timeout' patch * Many thanks to Max Winterstein for the SSL version patch * Many thanks to Colin Smith for the RPM build Makefile patch * Many thanks to Andreas Dijkman for the RPM dependencies patch * Many thanks to Lawren Quigley-Jones for the common name patch * Many thanks to Ryan Nowakowski for the OCSP patch * Many thanks to Jérémy Lecour for the review and corrections * Many thanks to Mark Ruys for the OCSP patch * Many thanks to Milan Koudelka for the serial number patch * Many thanks to Konstantin Shalygin for the UTF-8 patch * Many thanks to Sam Richards for the SNI patch * Many thanks to Sergei Shmanko ( for the wildcard certificate patch * Many thanks to juckerf ( for patch to increase control over which SSL/TLS versions to use * Many thanks to Rolf Eike Beer for the IRC and SMTP check patch * Many thanks to Viktor Szépe for the formatting and style patches * Many thanks to Philippe Kueck for the CN patch * Many thanks to Ricardo ( and xert ( for the date timestamp patch * Many thanks to xert for the SSLLabs patch * Many thanks to Leynos ( for the OCSP proxy patch * Many thanks to Philippe Kueck for the selection of the cipher authentication * Many thanks to Jalonet ( for the file/PEM patch * Many thanks to Sander Cornelissen ( for the multiple CNs patch * Many thanks to Pavel Rochnyak ( for the issuer certificate cache patch and the wildcard support in alternative names * Many thanks to Vamp898 ( for the LDAP patch * Many thanks to Emilian Ertel for the curl and date patches * Many thanks to Kosta Velikov for the grep patch * Many thanks to Vojtech Horky for the OpenSSL 1.1 patch * Many thanks to Nicolas Lafont ( for the Common Name fix * Many thanks to d7415 ( for the -help patch * Many thanks to Łukasz Wąsikowski ( for the curl and date display patches * Many thanks to booboo-at-gluga-de ( for the CRL patch * Many thanks to Georg ( for the fingerprint patch * Many thanks to Wim van Ravesteijn ( for the DER encoded CRL files patch * Many thanks to yasirathackersdotmu ( * Many thanks to Christoph Moench-Tegeder ( for the curl patch * Many thanks to Dan Pritts for the --terse patch * Many thanks to eeertel ( for the SNI warning patch * Many thanks to Vojtech Horky ( for the --format patch * Many thanks to Markus Frosch ( for the cleanup patch * Many thanks to Ricardo Bartels ( for the patches fixing unit tests, long output on Linux, extending the issuer checks to the whole chain * Many thanks to eimamagi ( for the client key patch and for the CA file and directory support * Many thanks to Stefan Schlesinger for the HTTP_REQUEST patch * Many thanks to sokol-44 ( for the HTTP request fix * Many thanks to Jonas Meurer ( for the IMAP / IMAPS fix * Many thanks to Mathieu Simon ( for the IMAPS and POP3S patch * Many thanks to Nico ( for the SSLlabs patch * Many thanks to barakAtSoluto ( for the SSLlabs warning patch