#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 """MongoDB Nagios check script This program is part of $PROJECT_NAME$ License: GPL License (see COPYING) Author David Murphy Copyright 2014-2015 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates """ import sys import time import optparse import os import stat import pickle import traceback import pprint from types import FunctionType # Not yet implemented # import DeepDiff try: import pymongo except ImportError, e: print e sys.exit(2) # As of pymongo v 1.9 the SON API is part of the BSON package, therefore attempt # to import from there and fall back to pymongo in cases of older pymongo if pymongo.version >= "1.9": import bson.son as son else: import pymongo.son as son # Adding special behavior for optparse class OptionParsingError(RuntimeError): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg class ModifiedOptionParser(optparse.OptionParser): def error(self, msg): raise OptionParsingError(msg) def unicode_truncate(s, length, encoding='utf-8'): encoded = s.encode(encoding)[:length] return encoded.decode(encoding, 'ignore') def parse_options(args): funcList = [] for item_name, item_type in NagiosMongoChecks.__dict__.items(): if type(item_type) is FunctionType and item_name.startswith("check_") and item_name is not 'check_levels': funcList.append(item_name) p = ModifiedOptionParser() p.add_option('-H', '--host', action='store', type='string', dest='host', default='', help='The hostname you want to connect to') p.add_option('-P', '--port', action='store', type='int', dest='port', default=27017, help='The port mongodb is running on') p.add_option('-u', '--user', action='store', type='string', dest='user', default=None, help='The username you want to login as') p.add_option('-p', '--password', action='store', type='string', dest='passwd', default=None, help='The password you want to use for that user') p.add_option('-W', '--warning', action='store', dest='warning', default=None, help='The warning threshold you want to set') p.add_option('-C', '--critical', action='store', dest='critical', default=None, help='The critical threshold you want to set') p.add_option('-A', '--action', action='store', type='choice', dest='action', default='check_connect', choices=funcList, help="The action you want to take. Valid choices are (%s) Default: %s" % (", ".join(funcList), 'check_connect')) p.add_option('-s', '--ssl', dest='ssl', default=False, help='Connect using SSL') p.add_option('-r', '--replicaset', dest='replicaset', default=None, help='Connect to replicaset') p.add_option('-c', '--collection', action='store', dest='collection', default='foo', help='Specify the collection in check_cannary_test') p.add_option('-d', '--database', action='store', dest='database', default='tmp', help='Specify the database in check_cannary_test') p.add_option('-q', '--query', action='store', dest='query', default='{"_id":1}', help='Specify the query in check_cannary_test') p.add_option('--statusfile', action='store', dest='status_filename', default='status.dat', help='File to current store state data in for delta checks') p.add_option('--backup-statusfile', action='store', dest='status_filename_backup', default='status_backup.dat', help='File to previous store state data in for delta checks') p.add_option('--max-stale', action='store', dest='max_stale', type='int', default=60, help='Age of status file to make new checks (seconds)') # Add options for output stat file try: result = p.parse_args() except OptionParsingError, e: if 'no such option' in e.msg: sys.exit("UNKNOWN - No such options of %s" % e.msg.split(":")[1]) if 'invalid choice' in e.msg: error_item = e.msg.split(":")[2].split("'")[1] sys.exit('UNKNOWN - No such action of %s found!' % error_item) return result def return_result(result_type, message): if result_type == "ok": print "OK - " + message sys.exit(0) elif result_type == "critical": print "CRITICAL - " + message sys.exit(2) elif result_type == "warning": print "WARNING - " + message sys.exit(1) else: print "UNKNOWN - " + message sys.exit(2) def main(argv): options, arguments = parse_options(argv) check(options, options.action) def check(args, check_name): try: checksObj = globals()['NagiosMongoChecks'](args) run_check = getattr(checksObj, check_name) result_type, message = run_check(args, args.warning, args.critical) except Exception, e: raise print(traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[-1], 1)) return_result("critical", str(e)) return_result(result_type, message) class NagiosMongoChecks: # need to initialize variables and such still def __init__(self, args): # setup inital values from optParse self.host = '' self.port = 27017 self.user = None self.password = None self.warning = None self.critical = None self.action = 'check_connect' self.ssl = False self.replicaset = None self.collection = 'foo' self.database = 'tmp' self.query = '{"_id":1}' self.status_filename = 'status.dat' self.status_filename_backup = 'status_backup.dat' self.max_stale = 60 for option in vars(args): setattr(self, option, getattr(args, option)) # Fix filepaths to be relative if not self.status_filename.startswith("/") or not self.status_filename.startswith(".."): self.status_filename_backup = "%s/%s" % (os.curdir, self.status_filename_backup) self.status_filename = "%s/%s" % (os.curdir, self.status_filename) # ammend known intenal values we will need self.current_status = {} self.last_status = {} self.connection = None self.connection_time = None self.pyMongoError = None self.connect() if self.file_age(self.status_filename) <= self.max_stale: # Save status_file contents status as current_status self.get_last_status(True) # Save status_filename_backup contents as last_status self.get_last_status(False, self.status_filename_backup) else: if self.connection is None: raise pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure(self.pyMongoError or "No connection Found, did connect fail?") # Get fresh current_status from server self.current_status = self.sanatize(self.get_server_status()) # user last status_filename contents as last_status self.get_last_status(False, self.status_filename) # Not yet implemented # self.compute_deltas() # get last status # check if needs refresh, refresh if needed # set last/current to self.current_status pass def get_last_status(self, returnAsCurrent, forceFile=None): # Open file using self.file try: file_name = forceFile if forceFile is not None else self.status_filename fileObject = open(file_name, 'r') if returnAsCurrent is None or returnAsCurrent is False: self.last_status = pickle.load(fileObject) else: self.current_status = pickle.load(fileObject) except Exception: return False return True def get_server_status(self): try: data = self.connection['admin'].command(pymongo.son_manipulator.SON([('serverStatus', 1)])) except: try: data = self.connection['admin'].command(son.SON([('serverStatus', 1)])) except Exception, e: if type(e).__name__ == "OperationFailure": sys.exit("UNKNOWN - Not authorized!") else: sys.exit("UNKNOWN - Unable to run serverStatus: %s::%s" % (type(e).__name__, unicode_truncate(e.message, 45))) if self.current_status is None: self.current_status = data return data # figure out how to use this one later def rotate_files(self): # 1)this needs to rename self.status_filename to status_filename_backup # 2) Save current_status to self.status_filename ( new file ) if self.last_status == {}: # Build the last status file for future deltas from current data self.save_file(self.status_filename_backup, self.current_status) # Set the current status file to empty to set the aging clock self.save_file(self.status_filename, {}) sys.exit("UNKNOWN - No status data present, please try again in %s seconds" % self.max_stale) else: self.save_file(self.status_filename_backup, self.last_status) self.save_file(self.status_filename, self.current_status) def save_file(self, filename, contents): try: pickle.dump(contents, open(filename, "wb")) except Exception, e: sys.exit("UNKNOWN - Error saving stat file %s: %s" % (filename, e.message)) # TODO - Fill in all check defaults def get_default(self, key, level): defaults = { 'check_connections': {'warning': 15000, 'critical': 19000}, 'check_connect': {'warning': 50, 'critical': 100}, 'check_queues': {'warning': 30, 'critical': 100}, 'check_lock_pct': {'warning': 30, 'critical': 50}, 'check_repl_lag': {'warning': 200, 'critical': 500}, # 'check_flushing': {'warning':XX, 'critical': XX}, 'check_total_indexes': {'warning': 100, 'critical': 300}, 'check_cannary_test': {'warning': 30, 'critical': 50}, 'check_oplog': {'warning': 36, 'critical': 24}, 'check_index_ratio': {'warning': .9, 'critical': .8}, } try: return defaults[key][level] except KeyError: sys.exit("UNKNOWN - Missing defaults found for %s please use -w and -c" % key) # Not yet implemented # def compute_deltas(self): # deltas = [] # for item in DeepDiff(self.last_status, self.current_status)['values_changed']: # name = item.split(":")[0].split("root")[1].replace("['", "").replace("']", ".")[:-1] # if 'time' not in item.lower(): # values = item.split(":")[1] # print(values) # old, new = values.split("===>") # print("%s: %s - %s = %s" % (name, new, old, float(new)-float(old))) # deltas[name] = float(new) - float(old) # self.delta_data = deltas # return True def file_age(self, filename): try: age = time.time() - os.stat(filename)[stat.ST_CTIME] except OSError: age = 999999 return age # TODO - Add meat to this if needed, here for future planning def sanatize(self, status_output): return status_output def connect(self): start_time = time.time() try: # ssl connection for pymongo > 2.3 if self.replicaset is None: con = pymongo.MongoClient(self.host, self.port, ssl=self.ssl, serverSelectionTimeoutMS=2500) else: con = pymongo.MongoClient(self.host, self.port, ssl=self.ssl, replicaSet=self.replicaset, serverSelectionTimeoutMS=2500) if (self.user and self.passwd) and not con['admin'].authenticate(self.user, self.passwd): sys.exit("CRITICAL - Username and password incorrect") except Exception, e: raise if isinstance(e, pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect) and str(e).find(" is an arbiter") != -1: # We got a pymongo AutoReconnect exception that tells us we connected to an Arbiter Server # This means: Arbiter is reachable and can answer requests/votes - this is all we need to know from an arbiter print "OK - State: 7 (Arbiter)" sys.exit(0) con = None self.pyMongoError = str(e) if con is not None: try: con['admin'].command(pymongo.son_manipulator.SON([('ping', 1)])) except Exception, e: sys.exit("UNKNOWN - Unable to run commands, possible auth issue: %s" % e.message) self.connection_time = round(time.time() - start_time, 2) version = con.server_info()['version'].split('.') self.mongo_version = (version[0], version[1], version[2]) self.connection = con def check_levels(self, check_result, warning_level, critical_level, message): if check_result < warning_level: return "ok", message elif check_result > critical_level: return "critical", message elif check_result > warning_level and check_result < critical_level: return "warning", message else: return "unknown", "Unable to parse %s into a result" % check_result def check_connect(self, args, warning_level, critical_level): warning_level = warning_level or self.get_default('check_connect', 'warning') critical_level = critical_level or self.get_default('check_connect', 'critical') con_time = self.connection_time message = "Connection time %.2f ms" % con_time return self.check_levels(float(con_time), float(warning_level), float(critical_level), message) def check_connections(self, args, warning_level, critical_level): warning_level = warning_level or self.get_default('check_connections', 'warning') critical_level = critical_level or self.get_default('check_connections', 'critical') connections = self.current_status['connections'] connections['total'] = connections['available'] + connections['current'] used_percent = int((connections['current'] / connections['total']) * 100) message = "%i%% connections used ( %d of %d )" % (used_percent, connections['current'], connections['total']) return self.check_levels(float(used_percent), int(warning_level), int(critical_level), message) def check_lock_pct(self, args, warning_level, critical_level): warning_level = warning_level or self.get_default('check_lock_pct', 'warning') critical_level = critical_level or self.get_default('check_lock_pct', 'critical') if self.mongo_version >= ('2', '7', '0'): return "ok", "Mongo 3.0 and above do not have lock %" lockTime = self.current_status['globalLock']['lockTime'] - self.last_status['globalLock']['lockTime'] totalTime = self.current_status['globalLock']['totalTime'] - self.last_status['globalLock']['totalTime'] lock_percent = int((lockTime / totalTime) * 100) message = "%i%% locking found (over 100%% is possible)" % (lock_percent) return self.check_levels(lock_percent, warning_level, critical_level, message) def check_flushing(self, args, warning_level, critical_level): warning_level = warning_level or self.get_default('check_flushing', 'warning') critical_level = critical_level or self.get_default('check_flushing', 'critical') flushData = self.current_status['backgroundFlushing'] if args.average: flush_time = flushData['average_ms'] stat_type = "Average" else: flush_time = flushData['last_ms'] stat_type = "Last" message = "%s Flush Time: %.2fms" % (stat_type, flush_time) return self.check_levels(flush_time, warning_level, critical_level, message) def check_index_ratio(self, args, warning_level, critical_level): warning_level = warning_level or self.get_default('check_index_ratio', 'warning') critical_level = critical_level or self.get_default('check_index_ratio', 'critical') message = None indexCounters = self.current_status['indexCounters'] if 'note' in indexCounters: ratio = 1.0 message = "not supported defaulting to 1.0 ratio" elif self.mongo_version >= ('2', '4', '0'): ratio = indexCounters['missRatio'] else: ratio = indexCounters['btree']['missRatio'] if message is None: message = "Miss Ratio: %.2f" % ratio return self.check_levels(ratio, warning_level, critical_level, message) def check_have_primary(self, args, warning_level, critical_level): replset_status = self.connection['admin'].command("replSetGetStatus") for member in replset_status['members']: if member['state'] == 1: return "ok", "Cluster has primary" return "critical", "Cluster has no primary!" def check_total_indexes(self, args, warning_level, critical_level): warning_level = warning_level or self.get_default('check_total_indexes', 'warning') critical_level = critical_level or self.get_default('check_total_indexes', 'critical') index_count = 0 database_count = 0 for database in self.connection.database_names(): if database not in ["admin", "local"]: database_count += 1 self.connection[database]['system.indexes'].count() index_count += self.connection[database]['system.indexes'].count() message = "Found %d indexes in %d databases" % (index_count, database_count) return self.check_levels(index_count, warning_level, critical_level, message) def check_queues(self, args, warning_level, critical_level): warning_level = warning_level or self.get_default('check_queues', 'warning') critical_level = critical_level or self.get_default('check_queues', 'critical') currentQueue = self.current_status['globalLock']['currentQueue'] currentQueue['total'] = currentQueue['readers'] + currentQueue['writers'] message = "Queue Sizes: read (%d) write(%d) total (%d)" % (currentQueue['readers'], currentQueue['writers'], currentQueue['total']) return self.check_levels(currentQueue['total'], warning_level, critical_level, message) def check_oplog(self, args, warning_level, critical_level): warning_level = warning_level or self.get_default('check_oplog', 'warning') critical_level = critical_level or self.get_default('check_oplog', 'critical') if 'local' not in self.connection.database_names() or 'oplog.rs' not in self.connection['local'].collection_names(): return "critical", "We do not seem to be in a replset!" oplog = self.connection['local']['oplog.rs'] first_ts = oplog.find().sort("$natural", pymongo.ASCENDING).limit(1)[0]['ts'] last_ts = oplog.find().sort("$natural", pymongo.DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]['ts'] oplog_range = (last_ts.as_datetime() - first_ts.as_datetime()) oplog_range_hours = oplog_range.total_seconds() / 60 / 60 message = "Oplog Time is %d hours" % (oplog_range_hours) return self.check_levels(int(oplog_range_hours), warning_level, critical_level, message) def check_election(self, args, warning_level, critical_level): replset_status = self.connection['admin'].command("replSetGetStatus") for member in replset_status['members']: if member['stateStr'] == "PRIMARY": #last_primary = member.name last_primary = member['name'] for member in replset_status['members']: if member['stateStr'] == "PRIMARY": current_primary = member['name'] message = "Old PRI: %s New PRI: %s" % (last_primary, current_primary) if current_primary == last_primary: return "ok", message else: return "critical", message def is_balanced(self): chunks = {} # Loop through each of the chunks, tallying things up for chunk in self.connection["config"]["chunks"].find(): namespace = chunk['ns'] shard = chunk['shard'] if namespace not in chunks: chunks[namespace] = {'shards': {}, 'total': 0} if shard not in chunks[namespace]['shards']: chunks[namespace]['shards'][shard] = 0 chunks[namespace]['shards'][shard] += 1 chunks[namespace]['total'] += 1 shardsCount = self.connection["config"]["shards"].count() chunksCount = self.connection["config"]["chunks"].count() # Different migration thresholds depending on cluster size # http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/sharding-internals/#sharding-migration-thresholds if chunksCount < 20: threshold = 2 elif chunksCount < 80 and chunksCount > 21: threshold = 4 else: threshold = 8 # Default to balanced state, any failure will then mark it as False forevermore isBalanced = True # Loop through each ns and determine if it's balanced or not for ns in chunks: balanced = chunks[ns]['total'] / shardsCount for shard in chunks[ns]['shards']: if shard > balanced - threshold and shard < balanced + threshold: pass else: isBalanced = False return isBalanced def check_balance(self, args, warning_level, critical_level): if self.is_balanced() is True: return "ok", "Shards are balanced by chunk counts" else: return "critcal", "Shards are not balanced by chunk and need review" def check_cannary_test(self, args, warning_level, critical_level): warning_level = warning_level or self.get_default('check_cannary_test', 'warning') critical_level = critical_level or self.get_default('check_cannary_test', 'critical') # this does not check for a timeout, we assume NRPE or Nagios will alert on that timeout. try: start = time.time() self.connection[self.database][self.collection].find_one(self.query) time_range = (time.time() - start).total_seconds message = "Collection %s.%s query took: %d s" % (self.database, self.collection, time_range) return self.check_levels(time_range, warning_level, critical_level, message) except Exception, e: message = "Collection %s.%s query FAILED: %s" % (self.database, self.collection, e) return "critical", message def check_repl_lag(self, args, warning_level, critical_level): warning_level = warning_level or self.get_default('check_repl_lag', 'warning') critical_level = critical_level or self.get_default('check_repl_lag', 'critical') # make a write incase the client is not writing, but us an update to avoid wasting space self.connection['test']['lag_check'].update({"_id":1}, {"_id": 1, "x": 1}) # get a fresh status for the replset try: replset_status = self.connection['admin'].command("replSetGetStatus") except Exception, e: return "critical", "Are your running with --replset? - %s" % (e) for member in replset_status['members']: if member['stateStr'] == "PRIMARY": primary = member if 'self' in member and member['self'] is True: hostOptimeDate = member['optimeDate'] if primary is not None: highest_optimeDate = primary['optimeDate'] highest_name = primary['name'] else: # find the most current secondary as there is not primary highest_optimeDate = time.gmtime(0) for member in replset_status['members']: if member['optimeDate'] > highest_optimeDate: highest_optimeDate = member['optimeDate'] highest_name = member['name'] rep_lag_seconds = (highest_optimeDate - hostOptimeDate).seconds rep_lag_hours = round(rep_lag_seconds/60/60, 4) message = "Lagging %s by %.4f hours" % (highest_name, rep_lag_hours) return self.check_levels(rep_lag_hours, warning_level, critical_level, message) # # main app # if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:])) # ############################################################################ # Documentation # ############################################################################ """ =pod =head1 NAME pmp-check-mongo.py - MongoDB Nagios check script. =head1 SYNOPSIS Usage: pmp-check-mongo.py [options] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -H HOST, --host=HOST The hostname you want to connect to -P PORT, --port=PORT The port mongodb is running on -u USER, --user=USER The username you want to login as -p PASSWD, --password=PASSWD The password you want to use for that user -W WARNING, --warning=WARNING The warning threshold you want to set -C CRITICAL, --critical=CRITICAL The critical threshold you want to set -A ACTION, --action=ACTION The action you want to take. Valid choices are (check_connections, check_election, check_lock_pct, check_repl_lag, check_flushing, check_total_indexes, check_balance, check_queues, check_cannary_test, check_have_primary, check_oplog, check_index_ratio, check_connect) Default: check_connect -s SSL, --ssl=SSL Connect using SSL -r REPLICASET, --replicaset=REPLICASET Connect to replicaset -c COLLECTION, --collection=COLLECTION Specify the collection in check_cannary_test -d DATABASE, --database=DATABASE Specify the database in check_cannary_test -q QUERY, --query=QUERY Specify the query in check_cannary_test --statusfile=STATUS_FILENAME File to current store state data in for delta checks --backup-statusfile=STATUS_FILENAME_BACKUP File to previous store state data in for delta checks --max-stale=MAX_STALE Age of status file to make new checks (seconds) =head1 COPYRIGHT, LICENSE, AND WARRANTY This program is copyright 2014 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates. Feedback and improvements are welcome. THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. =head1 VERSION $PROJECT_NAME$ pmp-check-mongo.py $VERSION$ =cut """