# Work in progress: # - Start needs to be more sophisticated in reaction to state of domains # - Stop should not just do a post-sleep, but instead the post section should # carry a script polling the state of the machine and hammering it into the # coffing after a certain timeout [Unit] Description=Infrastructural VM %i Wants=lvm2-monitor.service Requires=libvirtd.service Requires=kvm-firewall.service Requires=kvm-network@sosaria05.service Requires=kvm-network@san-cluster.service After=kvm-firewall.service After=libvirtd.service After=lvm2-monitor.service After=kvm-network@sosaria05.service After=kvm-network@san-cluster.service [Service] Type=forking ExecStart=/bin/virsh start %i #ExecStartPost=/bin/sleep 5 ExecStop=/bin/virsh shutdown %i ExecStopPost=/bin/sleep 15 RemainAfterExit=yes TimeoutStartSec=10s TimeoutStopSec=40s [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target