#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # vim:syntax=python """ This script downloads data from holidata.net and writes it into files in the current directory. Its output formats are parseable by timewarrior (https://taskwarrior.org/docs/timewarrior/). This is very alpha. Since holidata.net has a few minor mistakes for Germany I'm writing this to test.xx-YY for now (I've just reported these, so allow the guys some time :) ). The files are still sourcable with that name :) Also, this is still missing --region. You can use --locale and --year to download the respective data, but you can not make the script just refresh existing files yet, nor can you narrow the download down to specific regions. Finally, I'm fixing the ISO-3166-2 violation for North Rhine Westphalia - holidata.net has de-NRW. That is the next bug to fix for them :) tl;dr SCRIPT IS NOT FINISHED, THIS IS A GIT - USE ONLY IF YOU UNDERSTAND AND IF YOU ARE FROM ZE GERMANY """ #import os, sys, re, time, argparse import json, sys, argparse reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') from datetime import datetime from time import sleep if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): from urllib.request import urlopen from urllib.error import HTTPError else: from urllib2 import urlopen, HTTPError __hheader__ = "# File auto-generated by lirion.de's refresh,\n" \ "# Date: " + datetime.strftime(datetime.now(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z") + "\n" \ "# data provided by holidata.net\n\n" \ "define holidays:\n" def headwrite(file): """ This writes the default header to the file it is being passed on. Content see __hheader__ right above. """ try: open(file, 'w').close() except IOError: print("Cannot write to %s!", file) exit(2) with open(file, "a") as ofile: #f = open(ofile, "a") ofile.write(__hheader__) def hfetch(locode, year): """ This function downloads the holiday data for a given ISO-3166 code from holidata.net It will return a single string containing all of the JSON. """ lines = "" myurl = "https://holidata.net/" + locode + "/" + year + ".json" try: lines = urlopen(myurl).read().decode('utf-8') except HTTPError as httpe: if httpe.code == 404: print("holidata.net does not have data for %s, for %s." % (locode, year)) else: print(httpe.code, httpe.read()) return lines def hparse(lines, locode, year): """ This function parses the JSON string we expect from holidata.net and writes its fragments to the specific region files, if a region is given. So, e.g.: a holiday for all of the US will not have a region definition and thus be written to file.en-US, whereas a holiday that is not valid for all of the US but is valid for Oregon will be written to file.us-OR. """ islocdef = {} for line in lines.split('\n'): if line: sys.stdout.write(".") jdata = json.loads(line) mylocale = unicode(jdata['locale']) mycountry = mylocale.split('-')[1].lower() myregion = unicode(jdata['region']) if myregion == "": myregion = mylocale.split('-')[1] # holidata.net violates ISO-3166-2:DE here: if myregion == "NRW": myregion = "NW" # or Neustadt/Weinstr., Palz > Pott myhlocale = unicode(mycountry + "-" + myregion) if jdata['date'] == "": print("%s has no date given for %s!", jdata['description'], jdata['locale']) mydate = unicode('1970_01_01') else: mydate = unicode(datetime.strftime(datetime.strptime(jdata['date'], '%Y-%m-%d'), '%Y_%m_%d')) myfile = "test." + myhlocale if myhlocale not in islocdef: headwrite(myfile) with open(myfile, "a") as ofile: #f = open(ofile, "a") ofile.write(" " + mycountry + "-" + myregion + ":\n") islocdef[myhlocale] = myhlocale with open(myfile, "a") as ofile: ofile.write(" " + mydate + " = " + unicode(jdata['description']) + "\n") sleep(0.1) sys.stdout.flush() def main(args): if args.locale != [] and args.locale != None: locode = args.locale else: locode = ["de-DE"] if args.year != None and args.year != []: year = args.year else: year = [datetime.now().year] for i in locode: for j in year: i = unicode(i); j = unicode(j) sys.stdout.write("Fetching holiday data from holidata.net... (%s, %s)" % (i, j)) sys.stdout.flush() lines = hfetch(i, j) print(" done.") if lines == "": print("No lines returned from holidata.net for %s!", locode) exit(3) sys.stdout.write("Parsing data") sys.stdout.flush() hparse(lines, i, j) print(" done.") if __name__ == "__main__": usage = """See https://holidata.net for details of supported locales and regions.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Update holiday data files. Run 'refresh' for \ the default of de-DE (this will be changed in the future)") parser.add_argument('--locale', nargs='+', help='Specific locale to update', type=unicode, default=[]) parser.add_argument('--region', nargs='+', help='Specific locale region to update', type=unicode, default=[]) parser.add_argument('--year', nargs='+', help='Specific year to fetch.', type=int, default=[]) args = parser.parse_args() main(args) #try: # main(args) #except Exception as msg: # print('Error:',msg)