Of git, get, and gud

path: root/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_hpasm/check_hpasm-4.8/plugins-scripts/HP/Proliant/Component/NicSubsystem
diff options
authorH. P. <coding _æ_> 2019-04-17 19:07:19 +0200
committerH. P. <coding _æ_> 2019-04-17 19:07:19 +0200
commit1e2387474a449452b78520b9ad96a8b4b5e99722 (patch)
tree836889471eec7d2aac177405068e2a8f1e2b1978 /nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_hpasm/check_hpasm-4.8/plugins-scripts/HP/Proliant/Component/NicSubsystem
initial commit of source fetch
Diffstat (limited to 'nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_hpasm/check_hpasm-4.8/plugins-scripts/HP/Proliant/Component/NicSubsystem')
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_hpasm/check_hpasm-4.8/plugins-scripts/HP/Proliant/Component/NicSubsystem/ b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_hpasm/check_hpasm-4.8/plugins-scripts/HP/Proliant/Component/NicSubsystem/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..85f1fd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_hpasm/check_hpasm-4.8/plugins-scripts/HP/Proliant/Component/NicSubsystem/
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+package HP::Proliant::Component::NicSubsystem::SNMP;
+our @ISA = qw(HP::Proliant::Component::NicSubsystem
+ HP::Proliant::Component::SNMP);
+use strict;
+use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 };
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my %params = @_;
+ my $self = {
+ runtime => $params{runtime},
+ rawdata => $params{rawdata},
+ blacklisted => 0,
+ info => undef,
+ extendedinfo => undef,
+ logical_nics => [],
+ physical_nics => [],
+ };
+ bless $self, $class;
+ $self->overall_init(%params);
+ $self->init();
+ return $self;
+sub overall_init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %params = @_;
+ my $snmpwalk = $self->{rawdata};
+ # overall
+ my $cpqNicIfLogMapOverallCondition = '';
+ my $cpqNicIfLogMapOverallConditionValue = {
+ 1 => 'other',
+ 2 => 'ok',
+ 3 => 'degraded',
+ 4 => 'failed',
+ };
+ $self->{lognicstatus} = SNMP::Utils::get_object_value(
+ $snmpwalk, $cpqNicIfLogMapOverallCondition,
+ $cpqNicIfLogMapOverallConditionValue);
+sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $snmpwalk = $self->{rawdata};
+ my $ifconnect = {};
+ my $oids = {
+ cpqNicIfLogMapEntry => '',
+ cpqNicIfLogMapIndex => '',
+ cpqNicIfLogMapIfNumber => '',
+ cpqNicIfLogMapDescription => '',
+ cpqNicIfLogMapGroupType => '',
+ cpqNicIfLogMapAdapterCount => '',
+ cpqNicIfLogMapAdapterOKCount => '',
+ cpqNicIfLogMapPhysicalAdapters => '',
+ cpqNicIfLogMapMACAddress => '',
+ cpqNicIfLogMapSwitchoverMode => '',
+ cpqNicIfLogMapCondition => '',
+ cpqNicIfLogMapStatus => '',
+ cpqNicIfLogMapNumSwitchovers => '',
+ cpqNicIfLogMapHwLocation => '',
+ cpqNicIfLogMapSpeed => '',
+ cpqNicIfLogMapVlanCount => '',
+ cpqNicIfLogMapVlans => '',
+ cpqNicIfLogMapGroupTypeValue => {
+ 1 => "unknown",
+ 2 => "none",
+ 3 => "redundantPair",
+ 4 => "nft",
+ 5 => "alb",
+ 6 => "fec",
+ 7 => "gec",
+ 8 => "ad",
+ 9 => "slb",
+ 10 => "tlb",
+ 11 => "redundancySet",
+ },
+ cpqNicIfLogMapConditionValue => {
+ 1 => "other",
+ 2 => "ok",
+ 3 => "degraded",
+ 4 => "failed",
+ },
+ cpqNicIfLogMapStatusValue => {
+ 1 => "unknown",
+ 2 => "ok",
+ 3 => "primaryFailed",
+ 4 => "standbyFailed",
+ 5 => "groupFailed",
+ 6 => "redundancyReduced",
+ 7 => "redundancyLost",
+ },
+ cpqNicIfLogMapSwitchoverModeValue => {
+ 1 => "unknown",
+ 2 => "none",
+ 3 => "manual",
+ 4 => "switchOnFail",
+ 5 => "preferredPrimary",
+ },
+ };
+ # INDEX { cpqNicIfLogMapIndex }
+ foreach ($self->get_entries($oids, 'cpqNicIfLogMapEntry')) {
+ push(@{$self->{logical_nics}},
+ HP::Proliant::Component::NicSubsystem::LogicalNic->new(%{$_})
+ );
+ }
+ $oids = {
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterEntry => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterIndex => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterIfNumber => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterRole => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterMACAddress => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterSlot => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterIoAddr => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterIrq => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterDma => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterMemAddr => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterPort => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterDuplexState => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterCondition => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterState => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterStatus => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterStatsValid => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterGoodTransmits => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterGoodReceives => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterBadTransmits => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterBadReceives => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterAlignmentErrors => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterFCSErrors => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterSingleCollisionFrames => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterMultipleCollisionFrames => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterDeferredTransmissions => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterLateCollisions => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterExcessiveCollisions => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterInternalMacTransmitErrors => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterCarrierSenseErrors => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterFrameTooLongs => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterInternalMacReceiveErrors => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterHwLocation => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterPartNumber => '',
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterRoleValue => {
+ 1 => "unknown",
+ 2 => "primary",
+ 3 => "secondary",
+ 4 => "member",
+ 5 => "txRx",
+ 6 => "tx",
+ 7 => "standby",
+ 8 => "none",
+ 255 => "notApplicable",
+ },
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterDuplexStateValue => {
+ 1 => "unknown",
+ 2 => "half",
+ 3 => "full",
+ },
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterConditionValue => {
+ 1 => "other",
+ 2 => "ok",
+ 3 => "degraded",
+ 4 => "failed",
+ },
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterStateValue => {
+ 1 => "unknown",
+ 2 => "ok",
+ 3 => "standby",
+ 4 => "failed",
+ },
+ cpqNicIfPhysAdapterStatusValue => {
+ 1 => "unknown",
+ 2 => "ok",
+ 3 => "generalFailure",
+ 4 => "linkFailure",
+ },
+ };
+ # INDEX { cpqNicIfPhysAdapterIndex }
+ foreach ($self->get_entries($oids, 'cpqNicIfPhysAdapterEntry')) {
+ push(@{$self->{physical_nics}},
+ HP::Proliant::Component::NicSubsystem::PhysicalNic->new(%{$_}));
+ }