Of git, get, and gud

path: root/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_mysql_health/check_mysql_health-2.2.2/plugins-scripts/
diff options
authorHarald Pfeiffer <coding _> 2019-04-17 19:07:19 +0200
committerHarald Pfeiffer <coding _> 2019-04-17 19:07:19 +0200
commit1e2387474a449452b78520b9ad96a8b4b5e99722 (patch)
tree836889471eec7d2aac177405068e2a8f1e2b1978 /nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_mysql_health/check_mysql_health-2.2.2/plugins-scripts/
initial commit of source fetch
Diffstat (limited to 'nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_mysql_health/check_mysql_health-2.2.2/plugins-scripts/')
1 files changed, 613 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_mysql_health/check_mysql_health-2.2.2/plugins-scripts/ b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_mysql_health/check_mysql_health-2.2.2/plugins-scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..613dc19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_mysql_health/check_mysql_health-2.2.2/plugins-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+package main;
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);
+use File::Basename;
+use lib dirname($0);
+use Nagios::DBD::MySQL::Server;
+use Nagios::DBD::MySQL::Cluster;
+my %ERRORS=( OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 );
+my %ERRORCODES=( 0 => 'OK', 1 => 'WARNING', 2 => 'CRITICAL', 3 => 'UNKNOWN' );
+use vars qw ($PROGNAME $REVISION $CONTACT $TIMEOUT $STATEFILESDIR $needs_restart %commandline);
+$PROGNAME = "check_mysql_health";
+$REVISION = '$Revision: #PACKAGE_VERSION# $';
+$CONTACT = '';
+$TIMEOUT = 60;
+$needs_restart = 0;
+my @modes = (
+ ['server::connectiontime',
+ 'connection-time', undef,
+ 'Time to connect to the server' ],
+ ['server::uptime',
+ 'uptime', undef,
+ 'Time the server is running' ],
+ ['server::instance::connectedthreads',
+ 'threads-connected', undef,
+ 'Number of currently open connections' ],
+ ['server::instance::threadcachehitrate',
+ 'threadcache-hitrate', undef,
+ 'Hit rate of the thread-cache' ],
+ ['server::instance::createdthreads',
+ 'threads-created', undef,
+ 'Number of threads created per sec' ],
+ ['server::instance::runningthreads',
+ 'threads-running', undef,
+ 'Number of currently running threads' ],
+ ['server::instance::cachedthreads',
+ 'threads-cached', undef,
+ 'Number of currently cached threads' ],
+ ['server::instance::abortedconnects',
+ 'connects-aborted', undef,
+ 'Number of aborted connections per sec' ],
+ ['server::instance::abortedclients',
+ 'clients-aborted', undef,
+ 'Number of aborted connections (because the client died) per sec' ],
+ ['server::instance::replication::slavelag',
+ 'slave-lag', ['replication-slave-lag'],
+ 'Seconds behind master' ],
+ ['server::instance::replication::slaveiorunning',
+ 'slave-io-running', ['replication-slave-io-running'],
+ 'Slave io running: Yes' ],
+ ['server::instance::replication::slavesqlrunning',
+ 'slave-sql-running', ['replication-slave-sql-running'],
+ 'Slave sql running: Yes' ],
+ ['server::instance::querycachehitrate',
+ 'qcache-hitrate', ['querycache-hitrate'],
+ 'Query cache hitrate' ],
+ ['server::instance::querycachelowmemprunes',
+ 'qcache-lowmem-prunes', ['querycache-lowmem-prunes'],
+ 'Query cache entries pruned because of low memory' ],
+ ['server::instance::myisam::keycache::hitrate',
+ 'keycache-hitrate', ['myisam-keycache-hitrate'],
+ 'MyISAM key cache hitrate' ],
+ ['server::instance::innodb::bufferpool::hitrate',
+ 'bufferpool-hitrate', ['innodb-bufferpool-hitrate'],
+ 'InnoDB buffer pool hitrate' ],
+ ['server::instance::innodb::bufferpool::waitfree',
+ 'bufferpool-wait-free', ['innodb-bufferpool-wait-free'],
+ 'InnoDB buffer pool waits for clean page available' ],
+ ['server::instance::innodb::logwaits',
+ 'log-waits', ['innodb-log-waits'],
+ 'InnoDB log waits because of a too small log buffer' ],
+ ['server::instance::tablecachehitrate',
+ 'tablecache-hitrate', undef,
+ 'Table cache hitrate' ],
+ ['server::instance::tablelockcontention',
+ 'table-lock-contention', undef,
+ 'Table lock contention' ],
+ ['server::instance::tableindexusage',
+ 'index-usage', undef,
+ 'Usage of indices' ],
+ ['server::instance::tabletmpondisk',
+ 'tmp-disk-tables', undef,
+ 'Percent of temp tables created on disk' ],
+ ['server::instance::needoptimize',
+ 'table-fragmentation', undef,
+ 'Show tables which should be optimized' ],
+ ['server::instance::openfiles',
+ 'open-files', undef,
+ 'Percent of opened files' ],
+ ['server::instance::slowqueries',
+ 'slow-queries', undef,
+ 'Slow queries' ],
+ ['server::instance::longprocs',
+ 'long-running-procs', undef,
+ 'long running processes' ],
+ ['cluster::ndbdrunning',
+ 'cluster-ndbd-running', undef,
+ 'ndnd nodes are up and running' ],
+ ['server::sql',
+ 'sql', undef,
+ 'any sql command returning a single number' ],
+# rrd data store names are limited to 19 characters
+my %labels = (
+ bufferpool_hitrate => {
+ groundwork => 'bp_hitrate',
+ },
+ bufferpool_hitrate_now => {
+ groundwork => 'bp_hitrate_now',
+ },
+ bufferpool_free_waits_rate => {
+ groundwork => 'bp_freewaits',
+ },
+ innodb_log_waits_rate => {
+ groundwork => 'inno_log_waits',
+ },
+ keycache_hitrate => {
+ groundwork => 'kc_hitrate',
+ },
+ keycache_hitrate_now => {
+ groundwork => 'kc_hitrate_now',
+ },
+ threads_created_per_sec => {
+ groundwork => 'thrds_creat_per_s',
+ },
+ connects_aborted_per_sec => {
+ groundwork => 'conn_abrt_per_s',
+ },
+ clients_aborted_per_sec => {
+ groundwork => 'clnt_abrt_per_s',
+ },
+ thread_cache_hitrate => {
+ groundwork => 'tc_hitrate',
+ },
+ thread_cache_hitrate_now => {
+ groundwork => 'tc_hitrate_now',
+ },
+ qcache_lowmem_prunes_rate => {
+ groundwork => 'qc_lowm_prnsrate',
+ },
+ slow_queries_rate => {
+ groundwork => 'slow_q_rate',
+ },
+ tablecache_hitrate => {
+ groundwork => 'tac_hitrate',
+ },
+ tablecache_fillrate => {
+ groundwork => 'tac_fillrate',
+ },
+ tablelock_contention => {
+ groundwork => 'tl_contention',
+ },
+ tablelock_contention_now => {
+ groundwork => 'tl_contention_now',
+ },
+ pct_tmp_table_on_disk => {
+ groundwork => 'tmptab_on_disk',
+ },
+ pct_tmp_table_on_disk_now => {
+ groundwork => 'tmptab_on_disk_now',
+ },
+sub print_usage () {
+ print <<EOUS;
+ Usage:
+ $PROGNAME [-v] [-t <timeout>] [[--hostname <hostname>]
+ [--port <port> | --socket <socket>]
+ --username <username> --password <password>] --mode <mode>
+ [--method mysql]
+ $PROGNAME [-h | --help]
+ $PROGNAME [-V | --version]
+ Options:
+ --hostname
+ the database server's hostname
+ --port
+ the database's port. (default: 3306)
+ --socket
+ the database's unix socket.
+ --username
+ the mysql db user
+ --password
+ the mysql db user's password
+ --database
+ the database's name. (default: information_schema)
+ --replication-user
+ the database's replication user name (default: replication)
+ --warning
+ the warning range
+ --critical
+ the critical range
+ --mode
+ the mode of the plugin. select one of the following keywords:
+ my $longest = length ((reverse sort {length $a <=> length $b} map { $_->[1] } @modes)[0]);
+ my $format = " %-".
+ (length ((reverse sort {length $a <=> length $b} map { $_->[1] } @modes)[0])).
+ "s\t(%s)\n";
+ foreach (@modes) {
+ printf $format, $_->[1], $_->[3];
+ }
+ printf "\n";
+ print <<EOUS;
+ --name
+ the name of something that needs to be further specified,
+ currently only used for sql statements
+ --name2
+ if name is a sql statement, this statement would appear in
+ the output and the performance data. This can be ugly, so
+ name2 can be used to appear instead.
+ --regexp
+ if this parameter is used, name will be interpreted as a
+ regular expression.
+ --units
+ one of %, KB, MB, GB. This is used for a better output of mode=sql
+ and for specifying thresholds for mode=tablespace-free
+ --labelformat
+ one of pnp4nagios (which is the default) or groundwork.
+ It is used to shorten performance data labels to 19 characters.
+ In mode sql you can url-encode the statement so you will not have to mess
+ around with special characters in your Nagios service definitions.
+ Instead of
+ --name="select count(*) from v\$session where status = 'ACTIVE'"
+ you can say
+ --name=select%20count%28%2A%29%20from%20v%24session%20where%20status%20%3D%20%27ACTIVE%27
+ For your convenience you can call check_mysql_health with the --mode encode
+ option and it will encode the standard input.
+ You can find the full documentation at
+sub print_help () {
+ print "Copyright (c) 2009 Gerhard Lausser\n\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print " Check various parameters of MySQL databases \n";
+ print "\n";
+ print_usage();
+ support();
+sub print_revision ($$) {
+ my $commandName = shift;
+ my $pluginRevision = shift;
+ $pluginRevision =~ s/^\$Revision: //;
+ $pluginRevision =~ s/ \$\s*$//;
+ print "$commandName ($pluginRevision)\n";
+ print "This nagios plugin comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You may redistribute\ncopies of this plugin under the terms of the GNU General Public License.\n";
+sub support () {
+ my $support='Send email to if you have questions\nregarding use of this software. \nPlease include version information with all correspondence (when possible,\nuse output from the --version option of the plugin itself).\n';
+ $support =~ s/@/\@/g;
+ $support =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
+ print $support;
+sub contact_author ($$) {
+ my $item = shift;
+ my $strangepattern = shift;
+ if ($commandline{verbose}) {
+ printf STDERR
+ "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n".
+ "You found a line which is not recognized by %s\n".
+ "This means, certain components of your system cannot be checked.\n".
+ "Please contact the author %s and\nsend him the following output:\n\n".
+ "%s /%s/\n\nThank you!\n".
+ "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n",
+ $PROGNAME, $CONTACT, $item, $strangepattern;
+ }
+%commandline = ();
+my @params = (
+ "timeout|t=i",
+ "version|V",
+ "help|h",
+ "verbose|v",
+ "debug|d",
+ "hostname|H=s",
+ "database=s",
+ "port|P=s",
+ "socket|S=s",
+ "username|u=s",
+ "password|p=s",
+ "replication-user=s",
+ "mycnf=s",
+ "mycnfgroup=s",
+ "mode|m=s",
+ "name=s",
+ "name2=s",
+ "regexp",
+ "perfdata",
+ "warning=s",
+ "critical=s",
+ "dbthresholds:s",
+ "absolute|a",
+ "environment|e=s%",
+ "negate=s%",
+ "method=s",
+ "runas|r=s",
+ "scream",
+ "shell",
+ "eyecandy",
+ "encode",
+ "units=s",
+ "lookback=i",
+ "3",
+ "statefilesdir=s",
+ "with-mymodules-dyn-dir=s",
+ "report=s",
+ "labelformat=s",
+ "extra-opts:s");
+if (! GetOptions(\%commandline, @params)) {
+ print_help();
+if (exists $commandline{'extra-opts'}) {
+ # read the extra file and overwrite other parameters
+ my $extras = Extraopts->new(file => $commandline{'extra-opts'}, commandline =>
+ \%commandline);
+ if (! $extras->is_valid()) {
+ printf "extra-opts are not valid: %s\n", $extras->{errors};
+ } else {
+ $extras->overwrite();
+ }
+if (exists $commandline{version}) {
+ print_revision($PROGNAME, $REVISION);
+ exit $ERRORS{OK};
+if (exists $commandline{help}) {
+ print_help();
+ exit $ERRORS{OK};
+} elsif (! exists $commandline{mode}) {
+ printf "Please select a mode\n";
+ print_help();
+ exit $ERRORS{OK};
+if ($commandline{mode} eq "encode") {
+ my $input = <>;
+ chomp $input;
+ $input =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/seg;
+ printf "%s\n", $input;
+ exit $ERRORS{OK};
+if (exists $commandline{3}) {
+if (exists $commandline{timeout}) {
+ $TIMEOUT = $commandline{timeout};
+if (exists $commandline{verbose}) {
+ $DBD::MySQL::Server::verbose = exists $commandline{verbose};
+if (exists $commandline{scream}) {
+# $DBD::MySQL::Server::hysterical = exists $commandline{scream};
+if (exists $commandline{method}) {
+ # snmp or mysql cmdline
+} else {
+ $commandline{method} = "dbi";
+if (exists $commandline{report}) {
+ # short, long, html
+} else {
+ $commandline{report} = "long";
+if (exists $commandline{labelformat}) {
+ # groundwork
+} else {
+ $commandline{labelformat} = "pnp4nagios";
+if (exists $commandline{'with-mymodules-dyn-dir'}) {
+ $DBD::MySQL::Server::my_modules_dyn_dir = $commandline{'with-mymodules-dyn-dir'};
+} else {
+ $DBD::MySQL::Server::my_modules_dyn_dir = '#MYMODULES_DYN_DIR#';
+if (exists $commandline{environment}) {
+ # if the desired environment variable values are different from
+ # the environment of this running script, then a restart is necessary.
+ # because setting $ENV does _not_ change the environment of the running script.
+ foreach (keys %{$commandline{environment}}) {
+ if ((! $ENV{$_}) || ($ENV{$_} ne $commandline{environment}->{$_})) {
+ $needs_restart = 1;
+ $ENV{$_} = $commandline{environment}->{$_};
+ printf STDERR "new %s=%s forces restart\n", $_, $ENV{$_}
+ if $DBD::MySQL::Server::verbose;
+ }
+ }
+ # e.g. called with --runas dbnagio. shlib_path environment variable is stripped
+ # during the sudo.
+ # so the perl interpreter starts without a shlib_path. but --runas cares for
+ # a --environment shlib_path=...
+ # so setting the environment variable in the code above and restarting the
+ # perl interpreter will help it find shared libs
+if (exists $commandline{runas}) {
+ # remove the runas parameter
+ # exec sudo $0 ... the remaining parameters
+ $needs_restart = 1;
+ # if the calling script has a path for shared libs and there is no --environment
+ # parameter then the called script surely needs the variable too.
+ foreach my $important_env (qw(LD_LIBRARY_PATH SHLIB_PATH
+ if ($ENV{$important_env} && ! scalar(grep { /^$important_env=/ }
+ keys %{$commandline{environment}})) {
+ $commandline{environment}->{$important_env} = $ENV{$important_env};
+ printf STDERR "add important --environment %s=%s\n",
+ $important_env, $ENV{$important_env} if $DBD::MySQL::Server::verbose;
+ }
+ }
+if ($needs_restart) {
+ my @newargv = ();
+ my $runas = undef;
+ if (exists $commandline{runas}) {
+ $runas = $commandline{runas};
+ delete $commandline{runas};
+ }
+ foreach my $option (keys %commandline) {
+ if (grep { /^$option/ && /=/ } @params) {
+ if (ref ($commandline{$option}) eq "HASH") {
+ foreach (keys %{$commandline{$option}}) {
+ push(@newargv, sprintf "--%s", $option);
+ push(@newargv, sprintf "%s=%s", $_, $commandline{$option}->{$_});
+ }
+ } else {
+ push(@newargv, sprintf "--%s", $option);
+ push(@newargv, sprintf "%s", $commandline{$option});
+ }
+ } else {
+ push(@newargv, sprintf "--%s", $option);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($runas) {
+ exec "sudo", "-S", "-u", $runas, $0, @newargv;
+ } else {
+ exec $0, @newargv;
+ # this makes sure that even a SHLIB or LD_LIBRARY_PATH are set correctly
+ # when the perl interpreter starts. Setting them during runtime does not
+ # help loading e.g.
+ }
+ exit;
+if (exists $commandline{shell}) {
+ # forget what you see here.
+ system("/bin/sh");
+if (! exists $commandline{statefilesdir}) {
+ if (exists $ENV{OMD_ROOT}) {
+ $commandline{statefilesdir} = $ENV{OMD_ROOT}."/var/tmp/check_mysql_health";
+ } else {
+ $commandline{statefilesdir} = $STATEFILESDIR;
+ }
+if (exists $commandline{name}) {
+ if ($^O =~ /MSWin/ && $commandline{name} =~ /^'(.*)'$/) {
+ # putting arguments in single ticks under Windows CMD leaves the ' intact
+ # we remove them
+ $commandline{name} = $1;
+ }
+ # objects can be encoded like an url
+ # with s/([^A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/seg;
+ if (($commandline{mode} ne "sql") ||
+ (($commandline{mode} eq "sql") &&
+ ($commandline{name} =~ /select%20/i))) { # protect ... like '%cac%' ... from decoding
+ $commandline{name} =~ s/\%([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})/pack('C', hex($1))/seg;
+ }
+ if ($commandline{name} =~ /^0$/) {
+ # without this, $params{selectname} would be treated like undef
+ $commandline{name} = "00";
+ }
+$SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
+ printf "UNKNOWN - %s timed out after %d seconds\n", $PROGNAME, $TIMEOUT;
+my $nagios_level = $ERRORS{UNKNOWN};
+my $nagios_message = "";
+my $perfdata = "";
+if ($commandline{mode} =~ /^my-([^\-.]+)/) {
+ my $param = $commandline{mode};
+ $param =~ s/\-/::/g;
+ push(@modes, [$param, $commandline{mode}, undef, 'my extension']);
+} elsif ((! grep { $commandline{mode} eq $_ } map { $_->[1] } @modes) &&
+ (! grep { $commandline{mode} eq $_ } map { defined $_->[2] ? @{$_->[2]} : () } @modes)) {
+ printf "UNKNOWN - mode %s\n", $commandline{mode};
+ print_usage();
+ exit 3;
+my %params = (
+ timeout => $TIMEOUT,
+ mode => (
+ map { $_->[0] }
+ grep {
+ ($commandline{mode} eq $_->[1]) ||
+ ( defined $_->[2] && grep { $commandline{mode} eq $_ } @{$_->[2]})
+ } @modes
+ )[0],
+ cmdlinemode => $commandline{mode},
+ method => $commandline{method} ||
+ hostname => $commandline{hostname} ||
+ $ENV{NAGIOS__HOSTMYSQL_HOST} || 'localhost',
+ database => $commandline{database} ||
+ $ENV{NAGIOS__HOSTMYSQL_DATABASE} || 'information_schema',
+ port => $commandline{port} || (($commandline{mode} =~ /^cluster/) ?
+ socket => $commandline{socket} ||
+ username => $commandline{username} ||
+ password => $commandline{password} ||
+ replication_user => $commandline{'replication-user'} || 'replication',
+ mycnf => $commandline{mycnf} ||
+ mycnfgroup => $commandline{mycnfgroup} ||
+ warningrange => $commandline{warning},
+ criticalrange => $commandline{critical},
+ dbthresholds => $commandline{dbthresholds},
+ absolute => $commandline{absolute},
+ lookback => $commandline{lookback},
+ selectname => $commandline{name} || $commandline{tablespace} || $commandline{datafile},
+ regexp => $commandline{regexp},
+ name => $commandline{name},
+ name2 => $commandline{name2} || $commandline{name},
+ units => $commandline{units},
+ lookback => $commandline{lookback} || 0,
+ eyecandy => $commandline{eyecandy},
+ statefilesdir => $commandline{statefilesdir},
+ verbose => $commandline{verbose},
+ report => $commandline{report},
+ labelformat => $commandline{labelformat},
+ negate => $commandline{negate},
+my $server = undef;
+my $cluster = undef;
+if ($params{mode} =~ /^(server|my)/) {
+ $server = DBD::MySQL::Server->new(%params);
+ $server->nagios(%params);
+ $server->calculate_result(\%labels);
+ $nagios_message = $server->{nagios_message};
+ $nagios_level = $server->{nagios_level};
+ $perfdata = $server->{perfdata};
+} elsif ($params{mode} =~ /^cluster/) {
+ $cluster = DBD::MySQL::Cluster->new(%params);
+ $cluster->nagios(%params);
+ $cluster->calculate_result(\%labels);
+ $nagios_message = $cluster->{nagios_message};
+ $nagios_level = $cluster->{nagios_level};
+ $perfdata = $cluster->{perfdata};
+printf "%s - %s", $ERRORCODES{$nagios_level}, $nagios_message;
+printf " | %s", $perfdata if $perfdata;
+printf "\n";
+exit $nagios_level;