Of git, get, and gud

path: root/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_email_delivery/check_email_delivery-0.7.1b/check_smtp_send_epn
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_email_delivery/check_email_delivery-0.7.1b/check_smtp_send_epn')
1 files changed, 458 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_email_delivery/check_email_delivery-0.7.1b/check_smtp_send_epn b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_email_delivery/check_email_delivery-0.7.1b/check_smtp_send_epn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9648ec8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_email_delivery/check_email_delivery-0.7.1b/check_smtp_send_epn
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+use strict;
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+my $VERSION = '0.7.3';
+my $COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Jonathan Buhacoff <>';
+my $LICENSE = '';
+my %status = ( 'OK' => 0, 'WARNING' => 1, 'CRITICAL' => 2, 'UNKNOWN' => 3 );
+# look for required modules
+exit $status{UNKNOWN} unless load_modules(qw/Getopt::Long Net::SMTP/);
+ if( grep { /^--hires$/ } @ARGV ) {
+ eval "use Time::HiRes qw(time);";
+ warn "Time::HiRes not installed\n" if $@;
+ }
+my $verbose = 0;
+my $help = "";
+my $help_usage = "";
+my $show_version = "";
+my $smtp_server = "";
+my $default_smtp_port = "25";
+my $default_smtp_ssl_port = "465";
+my $default_smtp_tls_port = "587";
+my $smtp_port = "";
+my @mailto = ();
+my $mailfrom = "";
+my @header = ();
+my $body = "";
+my $stdin = "";
+my $template = "";
+my $expect_response = "250";
+my $warntime = 15;
+my $criticaltime = 30;
+my $timeout = 60;
+my $tls = 0;
+my $ssl = 0;
+my $auth_method = undef;
+my $username = "";
+my $password = "";
+my $time_hires = "";
+my $mx_lookup = 0;
+my $ok;
+$ok = Getopt::Long::GetOptions(
+ "V|version"=>\$show_version,
+ "v|verbose+"=>\$verbose,"h|help"=>\$help,"usage"=>\$help_usage,
+ "w|warning=i"=>\$warntime,"c|critical=i"=>\$criticaltime,"t|timeout=i"=>\$timeout,
+ # smtp settings
+ "H|hostname=s"=>\$smtp_server,"p|port=i"=>\$smtp_port,
+ "mailto=s"=>\@mailto, "mailfrom=s",\$mailfrom,
+ "header=s"=>\@header, "body=s"=>\$body, "stdin"=>\$stdin,
+ "template!"=>\$template,
+ # SSL/TLS/auth options
+ "tls!"=>\$tls, "ssl!"=>\$ssl, "auth=s"=>\$auth_method,
+ "U|username=s"=>\$username,"P|password=s"=>\$password,
+ # Server response
+ "E|expect-response=s"=>\$expect_response,
+ # Time
+ "hires"=>\$time_hires,
+ );
+if( $show_version ) {
+ print "$VERSION\n";
+ if( $verbose ) {
+ print "Default warning threshold: $warntime seconds\n";
+ print "Default critical threshold: $criticaltime seconds\n";
+ print "Default timeout: $timeout seconds\n";
+ }
+ exit $status{UNKNOWN};
+if( $help ) {
+ exec "perldoc", $0 or print "Try `perldoc $0`\n";
+ exit $status{UNKNOWN};
+if( $smtp_server eq "" && scalar(@mailto) == 1 ) {
+ # no SMTP server specified but one mailto address given means we can look up the MX record
+ $mx_lookup = 1;
+my @required_module = ();
+push @required_module, 'Net::SMTP::SSL' if $ssl;
+push @required_module, ('MIME::Base64','Authen::SASL') if $ssl && $username;
+push @required_module, 'Net::SMTP::TLS' if $tls;
+push @required_module, 'Net::SMTP_auth' if $auth_method and not $tls; # whereas if auth_method and tls we use TLS_auth, which is included in this script!
+push @required_module, 'Text::Template' if $template;
+push @required_module, 'Net::DNS' if $mx_lookup;
+push @required_module, 'Email::Address' if $mx_lookup;
+exit $status{UNKNOWN} unless load_modules(@required_module);
+# split up @mailto if commas were used instead of multiple options
+@mailto = split(/,/,join(',',@mailto));
+if( $help_usage ||
+ (
+ ($smtp_server eq "" && !$mx_lookup) || scalar(@mailto)==0 || $mailfrom eq ""
+ )
+ ) {
+ print "Usage: $0 [-H host [-p port]] --mailto recipient\ [--mailto recipient2\ ...] --mailfrom sender\ --body 'some text' [-w <seconds>] [-c <seconds>]\n";
+ exit $status{UNKNOWN};
+# initialize
+my $report = new PluginReport;
+my $time_start = time;
+my $actual_response = undef;
+my @warning = ();
+my @critical = ();
+my $smtp_debug = 0;
+$smtp_debug = 1 if $verbose >= 3;
+# default date and message id headers
+push @header, default_date_header() unless find_header("Date",@header);
+push @header, default_messageid_header() unless find_header("Message-ID",@header);
+# look up MX server if necessary
+if( $mx_lookup ) {
+ my $addr = Email::Address->new( undef, $mailto[0] );
+ my $mx_domain = $addr->host;
+ print "MX lookup " . $mx_domain . "\n" if $verbose > 1;
+ my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;
+ my @mx = Net::DNS::mx($res, $mx_domain);
+ if( @mx ) {
+ # use the first server
+ foreach my $rr (@mx) {
+ print "pref : " . $rr->preference . " exchange: " . $rr->exchange . "\n" if $verbose > 2;
+ }
+ $smtp_server = $mx[0]->exchange;
+ print "smtp server: $smtp_server\n" if $verbose;
+ }
+ else {
+ print "SMTP SEND CRITICAL - Cannot find MX records for $mx_domain\n";
+ exit $status{CRITICAL};
+ }
+# connect to SMTP server
+# create the smtp handle using Net::SMTP, Net::SMTP::SSL, Net::SMTP::TLS, or an authentication variant
+my $smtp;
+eval {
+ if( $tls and $auth_method ) {
+ $smtp_port = $default_smtp_tls_port unless $smtp_port;
+ $smtp = TLS_auth->new($smtp_server, Timeout=>$timeout, Port=>$smtp_port, User=>$username, Password=>$password, Auth_Method=>$auth_method);
+ if( $smtp ) {
+ my $message = oneline($smtp->message());
+ die "cannot connect with TLS/$auth_method: $message" if $smtp->code() =~ m/53\d/;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif( $tls ) {
+ $smtp_port = $default_smtp_tls_port unless $smtp_port;
+ $smtp = Net::SMTP::TLS->new($smtp_server, Timeout=>$timeout, Port=>$smtp_port, User=>$username, Password=>$password);
+ if( $smtp ) {
+ my $message = oneline($smtp->message());
+ die "cannot connect with TLS: $message" if $smtp->code() =~ m/53\d/;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif( $ssl ) {
+ $smtp_port = $default_smtp_ssl_port unless $smtp_port;
+ $smtp = Net::SMTP::SSL->new($smtp_server, Port => $smtp_port, Timeout=>$timeout,Debug=>$smtp_debug);
+ if( $smtp && $username ) {
+ $smtp->auth($username, $password);
+ my $message = oneline($smtp->message());
+ die "cannot connect with SSL/password: $message" if $smtp->code() =~ m/53\d/;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif( $auth_method ) {
+ $smtp_port = $default_smtp_port unless $smtp_port;
+ $smtp = Net::SMTP_auth->new($smtp_server, Port=>$smtp_port, Timeout=>$timeout,Debug=>$smtp_debug);
+ if( $smtp ) {
+ $smtp->auth($auth_method, $username, $password);
+ my $message = oneline($smtp->message());
+ die "cannot connect with SSL/$auth_method: $message" if $smtp->code() =~ m/53\d/;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $smtp_port = $default_smtp_port unless $smtp_port;
+ $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($smtp_server, Port=>$smtp_port, Timeout=>$timeout,Debug=>$smtp_debug);
+ if( $smtp && $username ) {
+ $smtp->auth($username, $password);
+ my $message = oneline($smtp->message());
+ die "cannot connect with password: $message" if $smtp->code() =~ m/53\d/;
+ }
+ }
+if( $@ ) {
+ $@ =~ s/\n/ /g; # the error message can be multiline but we want our output to be just one line
+ print "SMTP SEND CRITICAL - $@\n";
+ exit $status{CRITICAL};
+unless( $smtp ) {
+ print "SMTP SEND CRITICAL - Could not connect to $smtp_server port $smtp_port\n";
+ exit $status{CRITICAL};
+my $time_connected = time;
+# add the monitored server's banner to the report
+if( $tls ) {
+ $report->{banner} = "";
+elsif( $ssl ) {
+ $report->{banner} = $smtp->banner || "";
+ chomp $report->{banner};
+else {
+ $report->{banner} = $smtp->banner || "";
+ chomp $report->{banner};
+# send email
+if( $stdin ) {
+ $body = "";
+ while(<STDIN>) {
+ $body .= $_;
+ }
+# if user wants to use template substitutions, this is the place to process body and headers
+if( $template ) {
+ foreach my $item (@header,$body) {
+ my $t = Text::Template->new(TYPE=>'STRING',SOURCE=>$item,PACKAGE=>'SmtpMessageTemplate');
+ $item = $t->fill_in(PREPEND=>q{package SmtpMessageTemplate;});
+# print "item: $item\n";
+ }
+foreach( @mailto ) {
+ # the two SMTP modules have different error reporting mechanisms:
+ if( $tls ) {
+ # Net::SMTP::TLS croaks when the recipient is rejected
+ eval {
+ $smtp->to($_);
+ };
+ if( $@ ) {
+ print "SMTP SEND CRITICAL - Could not send to $_\n";
+ print "Reason: $@\n" if $verbose;
+ exit $status{CRITICAL};
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # Net::SMTP returns false when the recipient is rejected
+ my $to_returned = $smtp->to($_);
+ if( !$to_returned ) {
+ print "SMTP SEND CRITICAL - Could not send to $_\n";
+ print "Reason: Recipient rejected or authentication failed\n" if $verbose;
+ exit $status{CRITICAL};
+ }
+ }
+# Net::SMTP::TLS doesn't implement code() so we need to wrap calls in eval to get our error messages
+ # start data transfer (expect response 354)
+ $smtp->data();
+ # send data
+ $smtp->datasend("To: ".join(", ",@mailto)."\n");
+ $smtp->datasend("From: $mailfrom\n");
+ foreach( @header ) {
+ $smtp->datasend("$_\n");
+ }
+ $smtp->datasend("\n");
+ $smtp->datasend($body);
+ $smtp->datasend("\n");
+eval {
+ # end data transfer (expect response 250)
+ $smtp->dataend();
+if( $@ ) {
+ $actual_response = $tls ? get_tls_error($@) : $smtp->code();
+else {
+ $actual_response = $tls ? "250" : $smtp->code(); # no error means we got 250
+eval {
+ # disconnect from SMTP server (expect response 221)
+ $smtp->quit();
+if( $@ ) {
+ push @warning, "Error while disconnecting from $smtp_server";
+# calculate elapsed time and issue warnings
+my $time_end = time;
+my $elapsedtime = $time_end - $time_start;
+$report->{seconds} = $elapsedtime;
+push @warning, "connection time more than $warntime" if( $time_connected - $time_start > $warntime );
+push @critical, "connection time more than $criticaltime" if( $time_connected - $time_start > $criticaltime );
+push @critical, "response was $actual_response but expected $expect_response" if ( $actual_response ne $expect_response );
+# print report and exit with known status
+my $perf_data = "elapsed=".$report->{seconds}."s;$warntime;$criticaltime"; # TODO: need a component for safely generating valid perf data format. for notes on the format, see and
+my $short_report = $report->text(qw/seconds/) . " | $perf_data";
+my $long_report = join("", map { "$_: $report->{$_}\n" } qw/banner/ );
+if( scalar @critical ) {
+ my $crit_alerts = join(", ", @critical);
+ print "SMTP SEND CRITICAL - $crit_alerts; $short_report\n";
+ print $long_report if $verbose;
+ exit $status{CRITICAL};
+if( scalar @warning ) {
+ my $warn_alerts = join(", ", @warning);
+ print "SMTP SEND WARNING - $warn_alerts; $short_report\n";
+ print $long_report if $verbose;
+ exit $status{WARNING};
+print "SMTP SEND OK - $short_report\n";
+print $long_report if $verbose;
+exit $status{OK};
+# utility to load required modules. exits if unable to load one or more of the modules.
+sub load_modules {
+ my @missing_modules = ();
+ foreach( @_ ) {
+ eval "require $_";
+ push @missing_modules, $_ if $@;
+ }
+ if( @missing_modules ) {
+ print "Missing perl modules: @missing_modules\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+# utility to extract error codes out of Net::SMTP::TLS croak messages
+sub get_tls_error {
+ my ($errormsg) = @_;
+ $errormsg =~ m/: (\d+) (.+)/;
+ my $code = $1;
+ return $code;
+# looks for a specific header in a list of headers; returns true if found
+sub find_header {
+ my ($name, @list) = @_;
+ return scalar grep { m/^$name: /i } @list;
+# RFC 2822 date header
+sub default_date_header {
+ return strftime "Date: %a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z (%Z)", gmtime;
+# RFC 2822 message id header
+sub default_messageid_header {
+ my $random = randomstring(16,qw/0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z/);
+ my $hostname = `hostname`;
+ chomp $hostname;
+ return "Message-ID: <".time.".".$random.".checksmtpsend@".$hostname.">";
+# returns a random string of specified length using characters from specified set
+sub randomstring {
+ my ($length,@set) = @_;
+ my $size = scalar @set;
+ my $string = "";
+ while($length--) {
+ $string .= $set[int(rand($size))];
+ }
+ return $string;
+# replaces all newlines in the input string with spaces
+sub oneline {
+ my ($input) = @_;
+ $input =~ s/[\r\n]+/ /g;
+ return $input;
+# PluginReport
+# $report = new PluginReport;
+# $report->{label1} = "value1";
+# $report->{label2} = "value2";
+# print $report->text(qw/label1 label2/);
+package PluginReport;
+sub new {
+ my ($proto,%p) = @_;
+ my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
+ my $self = bless {}, $class;
+ $self->{$_} = $p{$_} foreach keys %p;
+ return $self;
+sub text {
+ my ($self,@labels) = @_;
+ my @report = map { "$self->{$_} $_" } grep { defined $self->{$_} } @labels;
+ my $text = join(", ", @report);
+ return $text;
+package SmtpMessageTemplate;
+sub trim {
+ my ($text) = @_;
+ $text =~ s/^\s*//;
+ $text =~ s/\s*$//;
+ return $text;
+# TLS_auth
+# Based on contribution by Brad Guillory
+package TLS_auth;
+#use Net::SMTP::TLS;
+our @ISA = qw(Net::SMTP::TLS);
+use Carp;
+sub new {
+ my ($proto,$server,%p) = @_;
+ my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
+ #my $self = bless {}, $class;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ no warnings 'once';
+ *Net::SMTP::TLS::login = *TLS_auth::login; # override parent's login with ours so when it's called in the constructor, our overriden version will be used
+ my $self = Net::SMTP::TLS->new($server,%p);
+ return $self;
+sub login {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $type = $self->{features}->{AUTH};
+ if(not $type){
+ die "Server did not return AUTH in capabilities\n"; # croak
+ }
+# print "Feature: $type\nAuth Method: $self->{Auth_Method}\n";
+ if($type =~ /CRAM\-MD5/ and $self->{Auth_Method} =~ /CRAM\-MD5/i){
+ $self->auth_MD5();
+ }elsif($type =~ /LOGIN/ and $self->{Auth_Method} =~ /LOGIN/i){
+ $self->auth_LOGIN();
+ }elsif($type =~ /PLAIN/ and $self->{Auth_Method} =~ /PLAIN/i){
+ #print "Calling auth_PLAIN\n";
+ $self->auth_PLAIN();
+ }else{
+ die "Unsupported Authentication mechanism: $self->{Auth_Method}\n"; # croak
+ }
+package main;