Of git, get, and gud

path: root/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_hp_bladechassis/check_hp_bladechassis-1.0.1/check_hp_bladechassis.pod
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_hp_bladechassis/check_hp_bladechassis-1.0.1/check_hp_bladechassis.pod')
1 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_hp_bladechassis/check_hp_bladechassis-1.0.1/check_hp_bladechassis.pod b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_hp_bladechassis/check_hp_bladechassis-1.0.1/check_hp_bladechassis.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ada33e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_hp_bladechassis/check_hp_bladechassis-1.0.1/check_hp_bladechassis.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+# Man page for check_hp_bladechassis
+# Man page created with:
+# pod2man -s 3pm -r "`./check_hp_bladechassis -V | head -n 1`" -c 'Nagios plugin' check_hp_bladechassis.pod check_hp_bladechassis.3pm
+=head1 NAME
+check_hp_bladechassis - Nagios plugin for checking the status of HP
+blade enclosures via SNMP
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+check_hp_bladechassis -H <I<HOSTNAME>> [I<OPTION>]...
+check_hp_bladechassis is a plugin for the Nagios monitoring software
+that checks the hardware health status of a HP blade
+enclosure/chassis. The plugin is only tested with the c7000 enclosure.
+=over 4
+=item -H, --hostname I<HOSTNAME>
+The transport address (hostname or IP) of the blade enclosure you want
+to monitor. This option is mandatory.
+=item -C, --community I<COMMUNITY>
+This option expects a string that is to be used as the SNMP community
+name when using SNMP version 1 or 2c. By default the community name
+is set to C<public> if the option is not present.
+=item -p, --perfdata
+Collect performance data. Performance data collected is total
+power usage.
+=item -t, --timeout I<SECONDS>
+The number of seconds after which the plugin will abort. Default
+timeout is 30 seconds if the option is not present.
+=item -i, --info
+Prefix any alerts with the enclosure serial number.
+=item -v, --verbose
+In case of an alert, the part number, spare part number and serial
+number of the failed component is appended to the alert message.
+=item -e, --extinfo
+Display a short summary of system information (product, serial number,
+firmware and the number of blades and I/O modules) in case of an
+=item -s, --state
+Prefix each alert with its corresponding service state (i.e. warning,
+critical etc.). This is useful in case of several alerts from the same
+monitored system.
+=item --short-state
+Same as the B<--state> option above, except that the state is
+abbreviated to a single letter (W=warning, C=critical etc.).
+=item -d, --debug
+Debug output. Will report status on all monitored subsystems,
+regardless of their alert state. Will also report total power usage.
+=item -h, --help
+Display help text.
+=item -V, --version
+Display version info.
+=over 4
+=item -P, --protocol I<PROTOCOL>
+SNMP protocol version. This option is optional and expects a digit
+(i.e. C<1>, C<2> or C<3>) to define the SNMP version. The default is
+C<2>, i.e. SNMP version 2c.
+=item --port I<PORT>
+SNMP port of the remote (monitored) system. Defaults to the well-known
+SNMP port 161.
+=item -U, --username I<SECURITYNAME>
+[SNMPv3] The User-based Security Model (USM) used by SNMPv3 requires
+that a securityName be specified. This option is required when using
+SNMP version 3, and expects a string 1 to 32 octets in lenght.
+=item --authpassword I<PASSWORD>, --authkey I<KEY>
+[SNMPv3] By default a securityLevel of C<noAuthNoPriv> is assumed. If
+the --authpassword option is specified, the securityLevel becomes
+C<authNoPriv>. The --authpassword option expects a string which is at
+least 1 octet in length as argument.
+Optionally, instead of the --authpassword option, the --authkey option
+can be used so that a plain text password does not have to be
+specified in a script. The --authkey option expects a hexadecimal
+string produced by localizing the password with the
+authoritativeEngineID for the specific destination device. The
+C<snmpkey> utility included with the Net::SNMP distribution can be
+used to create the hexadecimal string (see L<snmpkey>).
+=item --authprotocol I<ALGORITHM>
+[SNMPv3] Two different hash algorithms are defined by SNMPv3 which can
+be used by the Security Model for authentication. These algorithms are
+HMAC-MD5-96 C<MD5> (RFC 1321) and HMAC-SHA-96 C<SHA-1> (NIST FIPS PUB
+180-1). The default algorithm used by the plugin is HMAC-MD5-96. This
+behavior can be changed by using this option. The option expects
+either the string C<md5> or C<sha> to be passed as argument to modify
+the hash algorithm.
+=item --privpassword I<PASSWORD>, --privkey I<KEY>
+[SNMPv3] By specifying the options --privkey or --privpassword, the
+securityLevel associated with the object becomes
+C<authPriv>. According to SNMPv3, privacy requires the use of
+authentication. Therefore, if either of these two options are present
+and the --authkey or --authpassword arguments are missing, the
+creation of the object fails. The --privkey and --privpassword
+options expect the same input as the --authkey and --authpassword
+options respectively.
+=item --privprotocol I<ALGORITHM>
+[SNMPv3] The User-based Security Model described in RFC 3414 defines a
+single encryption protocol to be used for privacy. This protocol,
+CBC-DES C<DES> (NIST FIPS PUB 46-1), is used by default or if the
+string C<des> is passed to the --privprotocol option. The Net::SNMP
+module also supports RFC 3826 which describes the use of
+CFB128-AES-128 C<AES> (NIST FIPS PUB 197) in the USM. The AES
+encryption protocol can be selected by passing C<aes> or C<aes128> to
+the --privprotocol option.
+One of the following arguments are required: des, aes, aes128, 3des,
+=item --linebreak=I<STRING>
+check_hp_bladechassis will sometimes report more than one line,
+e.g. if there are several alerts. If the script has a TTY, it will use
+regular linebreaks. If not (which is the case with NRPE) it will use
+HTML linebreaks. Sometimes it can be useful to control what the plugin
+uses as a line separator, and this option provides that control.
+The argument is the exact string to be used as the line
+separator. There are two exceptions, i.e. two keywords that translates
+to the following:
+=over 4
+=item B<REG>
+Regular linebreaks, i.e. "\n".
+=item B<HTML>
+HTML linebreaks, i.e. "<br/>".
+This is a rather special option that is normally not needed. The
+default behaviour should be sufficient for most users.
+The option C<--debug> (or C<-d>) can be specified to display status
+of all components.
+The perl module Net::SNMP is required on the Nagios host.
+If no errors are discovered, a value of 0 (OK) is returned. An exit
+value of 1 (WARNING) signifies one or more non-critical errors, while
+2 (CRITICAL) signifies one or more critical errors.
+The exit value 3 (UNKNOWN) is reserved for errors within the script,
+or errors getting values via SNMP.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Written by Trond H. Amundsen <>
+None known at present.
+None known at present.
+Note that as of this writing, the plugin is only tested against the
+c7000 enclosure.
+Report bugs to <>
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see L<>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO