Of git, get, and gud

path: root/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_mysql_health/check_mysql_health-2.2.2/contrib/check_mysql_health.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_mysql_health/check_mysql_health-2.2.2/contrib/check_mysql_health.php')
1 files changed, 370 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_mysql_health/check_mysql_health-2.2.2/contrib/check_mysql_health.php b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_mysql_health/check_mysql_health-2.2.2/contrib/check_mysql_health.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8bcd516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_mysql_health/check_mysql_health-2.2.2/contrib/check_mysql_health.php
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Gerhard Lausser (
+# Plugin: check_mysql_health (
+# Release 1.0 2009-03-02
+# This is a template for the visualisation addon PNP (
+$defcnt = 1;
+$green = "33FF00E0";
+$yellow = "FFFF00E0";
+$red = "F83838E0";
+$now = "FF00FF";
+$ds_count = count($DS);
+for ($i = 1; $i <= $ds_count; $i++) {
+ $warning = ($WARN[$i] != "") ? $WARN[$i] : "";
+ $warnmin = ($WARN_MIN[$i] != "") ? $WARN_MIN[$i] : "";
+ $warnmax = ($WARN_MAX[$i] != "") ? $WARN_MAX[$i] : "";
+ $critical = ($CRIT[$i] != "") ? $CRIT[$i] : "";
+ $critmin = ($CRIT_MIN[$i] != "") ? $CRIT_MIN[$i] : "";
+ $critmax = ($CRIT_MAX[$i] != "") ? $CRIT_MAX[$i] : "";
+ $minimum = ($MIN[$i] != "") ? $MIN[$i] : "";
+ $maximum = ($MAX[$i] != "") ? $MAX[$i] : "";
+ if(preg_match('/^pct_open_files$/', $NAME[$i])) {
+ $ds_name[$defcnt] = "Open Files Usage";
+ $opt[$defcnt] = "--vertical-label \"Percent\" --title \"Open files usage on $hostname\" --upper-limit 100 --lower-limit 0";
+ $def[$defcnt] = "";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:openfiles_pct=$RRDFILE[$i]:$DS[$i]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:openfiles_pct#111111:\" \" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vopenfiles=openfiles_pct,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vopenfiles:\"Open files usage is %3.2lf percent\\n\" " ;
+ $defcnt++;
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^connects_aborted_per_sec$/', $NAME[$i])) {
+ $ds_name[$defcnt] = "Aborted connections per second";
+ $opt[$defcnt] = "--vertical-label \"Seconds\" --title \"Aborted connections per second on $hostname\" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] = "";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:aborted_conn=$RRDFILE[$i]:$DS[$i]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:aborted_conn#444444:\" \" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vaborted_conn=aborted_conn,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vaborted_conn:\"Aborted connections per sec is %3.2lf \\n\" " ;
+ $defcnt++;
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^connection_time$/', $NAME[$i])) {
+ $ds_name[$defcnt] = "Time to connect";
+ $opt[$defcnt] = "--vertical-label \"Seconds\" --title \"Time to establish a connection to $hostname\" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] = "";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:connectiontime=$RRDFILE[$i]:$DS[$i]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:connectiontime#111111 ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vconnetiontime=connectiontime,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vconnetiontime:\"is %3.2lf Seconds \" " ;
+ $defcnt++;
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^uptime$/', $NAME[$i])) {
+ $ds_name[$defcnt] = "Uptime";
+ $opt[$defcnt] = "--vertical-label \"Seconds\" --title \"Uptime of the database at $hostname\" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] = "";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:uptime=$RRDFILE[$i]:$DS[$i]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:uptime#111111 ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:uptimed=uptime,86400,/ " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:uptimew=uptimed,7,/ " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vuptime=uptime,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vuptimed=uptimed,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vuptimew=uptimew,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vuptime:\"%.0lf Seconds \" " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vuptimed:\"%.0lf Days \" " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vuptimew:\"%.0lf Weeks \" " ;
+ $defcnt++;
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^index_usage_now$/', $NAME[$i])) {
+ $ds_name[$defcnt] = "Index usage";
+ $opt[$defcnt] = "--vertical-label \"Percent\" --title \"Index usage $hostname\" --upper-limit 100 --lower-limit 0 ";
+ $def[$defcnt] = "";
+ for ($ii = 1; $ii <= $ds_count; $ii++) {
+ if(preg_match('/^index_usage$/', $NAME[$ii])) {
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:indexusage=$RRDFILE[$ii]:$DS[$ii]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ar=indexusage,$CRIT_MIN[$ii],LE,indexusage,0,GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,indexusage,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ay=indexusage,$WARN_MIN[$ii],LE,indexusage,$CRIT_MIN[$ii],GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,indexusage,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ag=indexusage,100,LE,indexusage,$WARN_MIN[$ii],GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,indexusage,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ag#$green: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ay#$yellow: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ar#$red: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "LINE:indexusage#111111:\" \" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vindexusage=indexusage,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vindexusage:\"Index usage (since epoch) is %3.2lf percent\\n\" " ;
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^index_usage_now$/', $NAME[$ii])) {
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:indexusagenow=$RRDFILE[$ii]:$DS[$ii]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "LINE1.5:indexusagenow#$now:\" \" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vindexusagenow=indexusagenow,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vindexusagenow:\"Index usage (current) is %3.2lf percent\\n\" ";
+ }
+ }
+ $defcnt++;
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^bufferpool_hitrate_now$/', $NAME[$i])) {
+ $ds_name[$defcnt] = "Innodb buffer pool hitrate";
+ $opt[$defcnt] = "--vertical-label \"Percent\" --title \"Innodb buffer pool hitrate on $hostname\" --upper-limit 100 --lower-limit 0 ";
+ $def[$defcnt] = "";
+ for ($ii = 1; $ii <= $ds_count; $ii++) {
+ if(preg_match('/^bufferpool_hitrate$/', $NAME[$ii])) {
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:hitrate=$RRDFILE[$ii]:$DS[$ii]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ar=hitrate,$CRIT_MIN[$ii],LE,hitrate,0,GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,hitrate,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ay=hitrate,$WARN_MIN[$ii],LE,hitrate,$CRIT_MIN[$ii],GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,hitrate,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ag=hitrate,100,LE,hitrate,$WARN_MIN[$ii],GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,hitrate,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ag#$green: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ay#$yellow: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ar#$red: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "LINE1.5:hitrate#111111:\" \" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vhitrate=hitrate,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vhitrate:\"Hitratio (since epoch) is %3.2lf percent \\n\" ";
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^bufferpool_hitrate_now$/', $NAME[$ii])) {
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:hitratenow=$RRDFILE[$ii]:$DS[$ii]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "LINE1.5:hitratenow#$now:\" \" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vhitratenow=hitratenow,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vhitratenow:\"Hitratio (current) is %3.2lf percent \\n\" ";
+ }
+ }
+ $defcnt++;
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^bufferpool_free_waits_rate$/', $NAME[$i])) {
+ $ds_name[$defcnt] = "Innodb buffer pool waits rate";
+ $opt[$defcnt] = "--vertical-label \"Waits/sec\" --title \"Innodb buffer pool waits on $hostname\" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] = "";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:logwait=$RRDFILE[$i]:$DS[$i]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:logwait#111111 ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vlogwait=logwait,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vlogwait:\"Rate is %3.2lf Waits / Second \" " ;
+ $defcnt++;
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^innodb_log_waits_rate$/', $NAME[$i])) {
+ $ds_name[$defcnt] = "Innodb log buffer waits rate";
+ $opt[$defcnt] = "--vertical-label \"Waits/sec\" --title \"Innodb waits for log buffer $hostname\" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] = "";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:logwait=$RRDFILE[$i]:$DS[$i]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:logwait#111111 ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vlogwait=logwait,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vlogwait:\"Rate is %3.2lf Waits / Second \" " ;
+ $defcnt++;
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^long_running_procs$/', $NAME[$i])) {
+ $ds_name[$defcnt] = "Long running processes";
+ $opt[$defcnt] = "--vertical-label \"Processes\" --title \"Long running processes (>60s) on $hostname\" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] = "";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:longrun=$RRDFILE[$i]:$DS[$i]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:longrun#111111 ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vlongrun=longrun,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vlongrun:\"%.0lf long running processes \" " ;
+ $defcnt++;
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^keycache_hitrate_now$/', $NAME[$i])) {
+ $ds_name[$defcnt] = "MyISAM key cache hitrate";
+ $opt[$defcnt] = "--vertical-label \"Percent\" --title \"MyISAM key cache hitrate on $hostname\" --upper-limit 100 --lower-limit 0 ";
+ $def[$defcnt] = "";
+ for ($ii = 1; $ii <= $ds_count; $ii++) {
+ if(preg_match('/^keycache_hitrate$/', $NAME[$ii])) {
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:hitrate=$RRDFILE[$ii]:$DS[$ii]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ar=hitrate,$CRIT_MIN[$ii],LE,hitrate,0,GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,hitrate,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ay=hitrate,$WARN_MIN[$ii],LE,hitrate,$CRIT_MIN[$ii],GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,hitrate,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ag=hitrate,100,LE,hitrate,$WARN_MIN[$ii],GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,hitrate,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ag#$green: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ay#$yellow: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ar#$red: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "LINE1.5:hitrate#111111:\" \" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vhitrate=hitrate,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vhitrate:\"Hitratio (since epoch) is %3.2lf percent \\n\" ";
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^keycache_hitrate_now$/', $NAME[$ii])) {
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:hitratenow=$RRDFILE[$ii]:$DS[$ii]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "LINE1.5:hitratenow#$now:\" \" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vhitratenow=hitratenow,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vhitratenow:\"Hitratio (current) is %3.2lf percent \\n\" ";
+ }
+ }
+ $defcnt++;
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^qcache_hitrate_now$/', $NAME[$i])) {
+ $ds_name[$defcnt] = "Query cache hitrate";
+ $opt[$defcnt] = "--vertical-label \"Percent\" --title \"Query cache hitrate on $hostname\" --upper-limit 100 --lower-limit 0 ";
+ $def[$defcnt] = "";
+ for ($ii = 1; $ii <= $ds_count; $ii++) {
+ if(preg_match('/^qcache_hitrate$/', $NAME[$ii])) {
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:hitrate=$RRDFILE[$ii]:$DS[$ii]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ar=hitrate,$CRIT_MIN[$ii],LE,hitrate,0,GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,hitrate,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ay=hitrate,$WARN_MIN[$ii],LE,hitrate,$CRIT_MIN[$ii],GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,hitrate,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ag=hitrate,100,LE,hitrate,$WARN_MIN[$ii],GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,hitrate,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ag#$green: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ay#$yellow: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ar#$red: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "LINE1.5:hitrate#111111:\" \" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vhitrate=hitrate,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vhitrate:\"Hitratio (since epoch) is %3.2lf percent \\n\" ";
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^qcache_hitrate_now$/', $NAME[$ii])) {
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:hitratenow=$RRDFILE[$ii]:$DS[$ii]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "LINE1.5:hitratenow#$now:\" \" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vhitratenow=hitratenow,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vhitratenow:\"Hitratio (current) is %3.2lf percent \\n\" ";
+ }
+ }
+ $defcnt++;
+ $ds_name[$defcnt] = "Selects per second";
+ $opt[$defcnt] = "--vertical-label \"Selects / sec\" --title \"Selects per second on $hostname\" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] = "";
+ for ($ii = 1; $ii <= $ds_count; $ii++) {
+ if(preg_match('/^selects_per_sec$/', $NAME[$ii])) {
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:sps=$RRDFILE[$ii]:$DS[$ii]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:sps#$now:\" \" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vsps=sps,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vsps:\"%3.2lf Selects per second \\n\" ";
+ }
+ }
+ $defcnt++;
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^qcache_lowmem_prunes_rate$/', $NAME[$i])) {
+ $ds_name[$defcnt] = "Query cache low memory prunes";
+ $opt[$defcnt] = "--vertical-label \"Prunes / sec\" --title \"Query cache low mem prunes on $hostname\" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] = "";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:prunes=$RRDFILE[$i]:$DS[$i]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:prunes#111111 ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vprunes=prunes,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vprunes:\"Rate is %3.2lf Prunes / Second \" " ;
+ $defcnt++;
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^slow_queries_rate$/', $NAME[$i])) {
+ $ds_name[$defcnt] = "Slow query rate";
+ $opt[$defcnt] = "--vertical-label \"Slow queries / sec\" --title \"Slow queries on $hostname\" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] = "";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:prunes=$RRDFILE[$i]:$DS[$i]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:prunes#111111 ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vprunes=prunes,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vprunes:\"%3.2lf Slow queries / Second \" " ;
+ $defcnt++;
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^tablelock_contention_now$/', $NAME[$i])) {
+ $ds_name[$defcnt] = "Table lock contention";
+ # set upper limit to 10, because 3 means an already dead database
+ $opt[$defcnt] = "--vertical-label \"Percent\" --title \"Table lock contention on $hostname\" --upper-limit 10 --lower-limit 0 ";
+ $def[$defcnt] = "";
+ for ($ii = 1; $ii <= $ds_count; $ii++) {
+ if(preg_match('/^tablelock_contention$/', $NAME[$ii])) {
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:tbllckcont=$RRDFILE[$ii]:$DS[$ii]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ag=tbllckcont,$WARN[$ii],LE,tbllckcont,0,GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,tbllckcont,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ay=tbllckcont,$CRIT[$ii],LE,tbllckcont,$WARN[$ii],GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,tbllckcont,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ar=tbllckcont,100,LE,tbllckcont,$CRIT[$ii],GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,tbllckcont,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ag#$green: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ay#$yellow: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ar#$red: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "LINE:tbllckcont#111111:\" \" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vtbllckcont=tbllckcont,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vtbllckcont:\"Lock contention (since epoch) is %3.2lf%%\\n\" " ;
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^tablelock_contention_now$/', $NAME[$ii])) {
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:tbllckcontnow=$RRDFILE[$ii]:$DS[$ii]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "LINE1.5:tbllckcontnow#$now:\" \" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vtbllckcontnow=tbllckcontnow,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vtbllckcontnow:\"Lock contention (current) is %3.2lf%%\" ";
+ }
+ }
+ $defcnt++;
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^tablecache_fillrate$/', $NAME[$i])) {
+ $ds_name[$defcnt] = "Table cache hitrate";
+ $opt[$defcnt] = "--vertical-label \"Percent\" --title \"Table cache hitrate on $hostname\" --upper-limit 100 --lower-limit 0 ";
+ $def[$defcnt] = "";
+ for ($ii = 1; $ii <= $ds_count; $ii++) {
+ if(preg_match('/^tablecache_hitrate$/', $NAME[$ii])) {
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:hitrate=$RRDFILE[$ii]:$DS[$ii]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ar=hitrate,$CRIT_MIN[$ii],LE,hitrate,0,GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,hitrate,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ay=hitrate,$WARN_MIN[$ii],LE,hitrate,$CRIT_MIN[$ii],GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,hitrate,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ag=hitrate,100,LE,hitrate,$WARN_MIN[$ii],GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,hitrate,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ag#$green: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ay#$yellow: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ar#$red: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "LINE:hitrate#111111:\" \" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vhitrate=hitrate,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vhitrate:\"Hitratio is %3.2lf percent \\n\" ";
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^tablecache_fillrate$/', $NAME[$ii])) {
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:hitratenow=$RRDFILE[$ii]:$DS[$ii]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "LINE1.5:hitratenow#$now:\" \" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vhitratenow=hitratenow,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vhitratenow:\"%3.2lf%% of the cache is filled \\n\" ";
+ }
+ }
+ $defcnt++;
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^pct_tmp_table_on_disk_now$/', $NAME[$i])) {
+ $ds_name[$defcnt] = "Temporary tables created on disk ";
+ $opt[$defcnt] = "--vertical-label \"Percent\" --title \"Temporary tables created on disk on $hostname\" --upper-limit 10 --lower-limit 0 ";
+ $def[$defcnt] = "";
+ for ($ii = 1; $ii <= $ds_count; $ii++) {
+ if(preg_match('/^pct_tmp_table_on_disk$/', $NAME[$ii])) {
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:tmptbldsk=$RRDFILE[$ii]:$DS[$ii]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ag=tmptbldsk,$WARN[$ii],LE,tmptbldsk,0,GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,tmptbldsk,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ay=tmptbldsk,$CRIT[$ii],LE,tmptbldsk,$WARN[$ii],GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,tmptbldsk,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ar=tmptbldsk,100,LE,tmptbldsk,$CRIT[$ii],GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,tmptbldsk,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ag#$green: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ay#$yellow: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ar#$red: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "LINE:tmptbldsk#111111:\" \" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vtmptbldsk=tmptbldsk,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vtmptbldsk:\"%3.2lf percent of temp tables were created on disk (since epoch)\\n\" " ;
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^pct_tmp_table_on_disk_now$/', $NAME[$ii])) {
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:tmptbldsknow=$RRDFILE[$ii]:$DS[$ii]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "LINE1.5:tmptbldsknow#$now:\" \" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vtmptbldsknow=tmptbldsknow,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vtmptbldsknow:\"%3.2lf percent of temp tables were created on disk (recently)\\n\" " ;
+ }
+ }
+ $defcnt++;
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^thread_cache_hitrate_now$/', $NAME[$i])) {
+ $ds_name[$defcnt] = "Thread cache hitrate";
+ $opt[$defcnt] = "--vertical-label \"Percent\" --title \"Thread cache hitrate on $hostname\" --upper-limit 100 --lower-limit 0 ";
+ $def[$defcnt] = "";
+ for ($ii = 1; $ii <= $ds_count; $ii++) {
+ if(preg_match('/^thread_cache_hitrate$/', $NAME[$ii])) {
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:hitrate=$RRDFILE[$ii]:$DS[$ii]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ar=hitrate,$CRIT_MIN[$ii],LE,hitrate,0,GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,hitrate,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ay=hitrate,$WARN_MIN[$ii],LE,hitrate,$CRIT_MIN[$ii],GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,hitrate,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "CDEF:ag=hitrate,100,LE,hitrate,$WARN_MIN[$ii],GT,INF,UNKN,IF,UNKN,IF,ISINF,hitrate,0,IF ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ag#$green: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ay#$yellow: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:ar#$red: " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "LINE:hitrate#111111:\" \" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vhitrate=hitrate,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vhitrate:\"Hitratio (since epoch) is %3.2lf percent \\n\" ";
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^thread_cache_hitrate_now$/', $NAME[$ii])) {
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:hitratenow=$RRDFILE[$ii]:$DS[$ii]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "LINE1.5:hitratenow#$now:\" \" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vhitratenow=hitratenow,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vhitratenow:\"Hitratio (current) is %3.2lf percent \\n\" ";
+ }
+ }
+ $defcnt++;
+ $ds_name[$defcnt] = "Connects per second";
+ $opt[$defcnt] = "--vertical-label \"Conects / sec\" --title \"Connects per second on $hostname\" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] = "";
+ for ($ii = 1; $ii <= $ds_count; $ii++) {
+ if(preg_match('/^connections_per_sec$/', $NAME[$ii])) {
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:sps=$RRDFILE[$ii]:$DS[$ii]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:sps#$now:\" \" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vsps=sps,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vsps:\"%3.2lf Connects per second \\n\" ";
+ }
+ }
+ $defcnt++;
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^threads_connected$/', $NAME[$i])) {
+ $ds_name[$defcnt] = "Connection threads";
+ $opt[$defcnt] = "--vertical-label \"Threads\" --title \"Connection threads on $hostname\" ";
+ $def[$defcnt] = "";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "DEF:threads=$RRDFILE[$i]:$DS[$i]:AVERAGE:reduce=LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "AREA:threads#111111 ";
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "VDEF:vthreads=threads,LAST " ;
+ $def[$defcnt] .= "GPRINT:vthreads:\"%.0lf Connection threads \" " ;
+ $defcnt++;
+ }